[Proposal] Siam Kidd for next Treasury Manager

i definetly agree about his toughts about 9-9


Yes, people who used leverage have cost us all a lot of money. Promises of buy backs and leverage invited speculators to crash the price, cause leverage cascades, and then buy back at crazy low prices.

We are now at a psychological and price low.

I was suspicious that the Wonderland team had set this up so that we could be gobbled up by Abacadabra cheap. But now they fucked up so badly I am pretty sure that incompetence is the answer.

There is no way forward unless leveraged people are left to sink or swim on their own. Promising them anything is cancer for the project.


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Who would you propose?

Siam Kidd is saying he would want a huge pay out, to compensate for closing his crypto trading training business and to come on board.

He has some sensible demands, like fully doxed team. We donā€™t want to find out that some of the other people behind the scenes have a history of working in scam operations with Sifu. He wants to ban leverage, or at least stop supporting people who risk themselves with leverage. He has a lot of good ideas.

Besides all his other skills, you know frogs, this guy has great communication skills.
In my humble opinion, communication was one of the major issues with Wonderland.

Looked him up. Right away seems like the typical teleseminar griffter.
You people really are hopeless.


Topic updated with list of suggestions by him.

Literally the best candidate so far. Also the list of requirements and his proposal would be what Wonderlands needs for a turnaround! No more anonymity bs, proper communication, strategic approach and long term vision executed by a committee

It doesnā€™t sound like from his statement that he wants the job, so non starter, from what I can see. I think weā€™ll just go round in circles on this topic. I think the best option is still to distribute the treasury, close Wonderland and give the team time to recover and come up with a new project/structure to launch, if thatā€™s what they want to do. There are literally to many cooks in the kitchen to make these sorts of decisions. Let a new team form themselves and formulate a strategy and proposition independently of Wonderland and come to market if/when ready. Then as investors we can decide if we like the idea of investing or not.

I love the improvement ideas from Siam above.

Whilst walking the dog this morning I dictated some rambling thoughts myself, mostly pivoting around the idea that things need to get more organised and serious.

Iā€™d like to keep my investment in Wonderland. The concept is tremendous and having grown it to this point has been an incredible achievement, I want to see more of it.

I see a whole bunch of projects in cryptoland driven by amazing and incredibly talented tech/money minded peopleā€¦but theyā€™re miles off being proper organisations.
I know thatā€™s all part of the the charm and to avoid ā€˜the suitsā€™ - but at the end of the day you canā€™t let the kids run riot in the house long before chaos ensues.

One of the most repeated criticisms in the defi world is lack of regulation and compliance.

I would like Wonderland/Frogs to consider a pathway where Wonderland can properly evolve into a serious financial organisation.
What do I mean by that? I mean for it to contain certain procedures and business flows, documentation, codes and rules of conduct, internal standards, etc. Basically managing self regulation to a very high standard suitable towards the safeguarding of the frogs and their financial interests.

In all honesty I donā€™t know a huge amount about this - but it makes sense to me to seek people from the traditional finance world who are experts at implementing regulations.
I do not wish this to stifle innovation or pace because that what makes Wonderland so different and makes it leading edge.

As a result, I believe with a more formal structure we will go a long way to repair damage and reputation done. It will attract better investors, stronger partners, greater opportunities and secure a stronger brighter future for all frogs.

Iā€™m sure this goes against some of the feelings of not having ā€œsuits in controlā€, but the sad fact is to develop a serious business you need serious protocols and accountability. Through in regular external auditor inspection and this could truly be a leading entity in this industry.

Itā€™s the Wild West right now, I donā€™t believe it can last like this for too long. Itā€™s only a matter of time before someone comes along with a better organisation which is taken more seriously and has the potential to be accepted by other serious organisations.
Maybe Iā€™m being hopelessly naive? Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve missed a lot in my thinking - thoughts?

[edit - never mind. Looks like itā€™s getting wound up anyway]

If we are going to give anyone such an important role the person has to be chosen and vetted out of a number of candidates collectively by Dani, the team and the community. Im not sure we should be choosing anyone who has put themselves forward out of the blue. Saying that, I have read Siams statements and I like the majority of his suggestions. However, I have no idea as too his experience of running a half billion dollar treasury. All I know of him is that he is a You Tuber. That alone makes me weary.
However, if he was to throw his hat in against other candidates, then a community vote should secure our next CFO.

He is a fully doxed professional legitimate business man who is well known for being thatā€¦

Unfortunately, I donā€™t think he has a chance daniele is already trying to inject a friend for more of the same bs Siam wants to ban leverage as we know the team has a huge conflict of interest in this area as they make a killing on liquidations.

To be fair to myself, I did also call him an amateur trader and a person who sells trading courses in the initial post :slight_smile:

Iā€™d describe myself as an amateur, not Siam :joy:
But I understand the sentiment.

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