[Proposal] Siam Kidd for next Treasury Manager

it’s ok!! i don’t why but i can not go on discord,what’s the topic about?same as here? by the way Siam sound nice and sound like he know what is talking about!i will vote for him if we will have more background about him!!

Simple, get Siam and Tetra. How hard is this? PR wing, PM wing, same as any tech company. DAO votes on their ideas, sometimes fast is good, we vote on how much they can do without our vote. Same as my wife and my spend, past a certain point I gotta talk about it first. 5% we got enough to keep them happy, just keep the leash short enough to prevent any abuse. I still like Siam, I still like wMEMO and WL, we were working well pre Christmas. No leverage, keep investing. Run the paper hands out. Keep innovating, this is an experiment, some has been good, some bad. Learn, move, WAGMI. Keep Dani as an architect, no mgmt. WL buys Abra, helps Dani, helps WL. Dani (like me) probably likes doing architecture and design, operations etc leave that to the mgmt types. Wins all around. Lets go mo7her bi7ch35!!

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Siam just said he doesn’t want to do it alone, needs committee with nearly $1bn tres, this is the right answer from a biz perspective. I like.


Hahahaha what a total joke. Siam Kidd isn’t an amazing trader he’s a salesman who’s been selling crappy trading courses to naive retail investors like most of those who invest in Wonderland.

First was FX then moves onto wherever the next suckers are.

Don’t be dumb! Vote no!

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Wonderland needs a CFO not a amateur trader/youtuber/person who sells trading courses.

We need someone who’s a deal-maker, can negotiate the hell out of a deal, and can sniff out profit opportunities quick.

This Kidd is no different from other youtube trader course selling influencers. Okay, maybe he’s honest. But the treasury needs someone who can execute market NEUTRAL strategies as the primary revenue generator.

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Don’t need a video about him talking about this history of fintech. I need a video of him talking intelligently about capital markets and how he would strategize Wonderland’s treasury toward opportunities within web3.

Fintech is extremely web2

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Honest is #1, learning happens on the fly. Not any other way. Better options? Open, we can AMA interview them. Be open minded is all. Many dot com biz started in the early days with only dreams, monetization was an after thought. Who knew in 98 google would be as it is, who know Amazon (years of losses) would be the thing it is. Vision. Determination. Talking about people vs talking about ideas, people is easy, ideas, way better. Influencer who doesn’t need this job? Yea, that is good. Like politicians who want a job, they don’t deserve it. You want an autodidact who learns fast. Still, open to options otherwise. Like biz, set KPI and hold to it, don’t meet it, sorry out. Again, control the leash. Just enough to see how and what they will do. Not married to any person just momentum. And from personal experience, best resume is not always the best fit. Personalities and team mesh are much more important. Communication, very important. Things we need to fix. No ding on you Dani, again, architects and builders like to build, minutia mgmt etc should be removed as barriers. Good mgmt listens to architects. Fostering this discussion is GOOD!

Check his linked-in bio, though not sure how up to date it is.

And trawl through is many, many videos on YT, lots of background info etc


I was just countering your assertion he’s just a Youtuber. For further info on him, DYOR

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I wish him the best for future projects.

I hold no malice, just keeping debate going, this is good. This is open. That is awesome.

He should be one of the people on the team. Treasury manager could be open for debate, but at least a member.

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The concept of debate, YES!

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After watching this video, I agree he would make a good addition to a treasury team. A $1b treasury needs more than one person. It needs diversity of ideas.

This. Best idea I’ve seen the past 9 hours on discord. Keep Dani on as a strategist but hire a few talented, doxxed, respected individuals as a treasury management team. My vote is for Siam as one of those people.


yes please. he’ll also fix communication, doesnt have to do a lot atp tbh.

Siam Kidd said that Dani would make the best treasurer.

Dani is doing a shit job of public relations. Perhaps he should take over the treasury and hire a public relations team?

I’d feel good knowing that Dani is the only one controlling the treasury.

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I’d rather someone who wasn’t a YouTuber.

Maybe like, I dunno, a professional fund manager or something.

Response from Siam Kidd came,

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