[RFC] - Invest in JennyCo

[RFC] - Request for Comment- Invest in JennyCo

JennyCo Private Placement (seed) investment

Link to previous [DAO Discussion]:
[DAO Discussion] - Invest in JennyCo

Make an investment in JennyCo, an early stage web3/healthcare company.

  • Option A- Purchase remaining supply of NFT’s (~400 more at .15ETH= 60 ETH)
  • Option B- Purchase NFTs and make a capital investment in JennyCo, up to $480k.
  • Other- please comment
  • Decline to Invest

0 voters

Provide a High Level Overview:

Website: http://jennyco.com

NFT Minting site: http://jennyco.io

Whitepaper: https://jennyco.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/JennyCoWhite-V18-9.28.2022.pdf

JennyCo is a company that aims to put the consumer in charge of their healthcare data using Web 3.0 technology. Get PAID for your own healthcare data. The company plans to use blockchain technology to enable consumers to share and access data and insights, with the goal of improving health outcomes, increasing personalization, and lowering costs. By utilizing a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), JennyCo aims to give users “digital agency” by allowing them to own their data and manage access to it, while earning compensation for such access. Currently health data is being bought and sold and the patient receives none of the financial benefit. In Q3 2023 the company plans to launch its Xchange, a global blockchain DataDAO with a utility token and digital marketplace for data buying and selling transactions.•

Why JennyCo?

  • Professional team lead by Dr Michael Nova: who has over 32 issued, and 40 more filed, patents. Some in Machine Learning/AI, Peer-to Peer Wireless Networking, Cannabis, Data Science, Blockchain, and Healthcare
  • JennyCo is in the process of acquiring commercial rights and lab services for a broad portfolio of IP and tools to go to market with their testing solutions. Sequencing.com is the first partnership announced.
  • The company has already made deals with major universities to help capture their initial user base.
  • JennyCo has its own USPTO patent application covering a Healthcare Data Exchange and DataDAO.
  • MVP (Minimum Viable Product) App will be ready for beta testing in the next 6 weeks and launch in about 3 months.*

Provide Low Level Details:

  • Mint 400 Genesis NFT’s and provide up to $400k additional funding. (total of $480k)

  • Invest $400k at the price of $0.07 compared with seed price $0.06 and p1 of $0.09
    ($0.07 gives an undiluted Mcap of $17.5million) with earlier vesting than SEED by having 25% unlocking every 3 months.

  • Mint 400 Genesis NFT’s. Each NFT is priced at 0.15 ETH and offers 5000 $JCO (equivalent $0.04 per token) and a DNA test provided by Sequencing.com

  • DEX listing in Q1 of 2023 will be at $0.20

  • Even if the price falls 50% from CEX listing, ROI on NFT’s over a year will be 2.5x. If JCO remains stable then it’s a 5x ROI in one year.

  • This is intended to be a 9+ month investment- If JennyCo is successful at capturing just 1% of the current health data market, this is a 600M potential play. (34x+)

Business and/or technical requirements of the implementation of the proposal:
Approval of Option 1 or Option 2 just require treasury authorization from WL.
JennyCo Co-founder(s) will be available to answer any questions video video or phone. Can host a AMA/Zoom conference before final proposal.


I’m interested to know people’s thoughts about this. As far as I can tell this is being pretty heavily oversold here. Considering the performance of Betswap and the problems it faced with the general public’s inability to navigate Web 3.0, i.e how turned-off they were to even set up a wallet, nevermind depositing funds, (albeit for gambling) how is JennyCo proposing to circumvent this, given where we are as a society with our integration of blockchain tech en masse?

It seems to me this is definitely a long-term investment proposal, something WL won’t see a return on for at least 2 years or so, with 9 months being a very very ambitious minimum play. I can’t see mass adoption of blockchain tech until at least the bear market is over in 1+ years, and the whole business model of JennyCo seems to rely on mass adoption of the tech.

Has any backlash from the medical/pharma/big data lobbies been considered also?

Also is that just one DNA test we get for the whole DAO? In which case I’m pretty sure the results will show we’re half Italian Fisherman, half Red Kung-fu Panda.


Big Pharma is starting to participate in DeSci- I believe Pfizer was the first to contribute to VitaDao ($500k). Perhaps they are just hedging their bets.

JennyCo is really a healthcare app first, that just happens to incorporate crypto. To the casual user they don’t even need to know there’s crypto involved- they can view it more like frequent flyer miles. For example, In the beta app it no longer says “crypto wallet” - it just says wallet.

JennyCo does not need “mass” adoption- but there needs to be enough people willing to participate… on the order of about 10,000 people. 23andme has something like 10 million users, and there are 20,000 people here on openhumans.org who are currently giving their data for free.

There will be 400 DNA test kits, one for each of the 400 NFTs. The community will need to decide what to do with them.

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Ah interesting, so this is not the first of it’s kind?

What makes this better/different from similar projects already out there? I.e what actually gives this value, or is it just one of many competing healthcare dapps?

I like that there is a wallet inbuilt in the app, that does seem to work around the issue I mentioned previously about the complications of on-boarding the average person.

I have to say I had a look myself at the website before and the process of becoming a customer, and the cost of joining and minting was a concern, something like $200+?

Is this something that will be accessible to everyone?

Can you explain this further? Why the minimum number of participants?

Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but I would have thought that JennyCo’s very existence and utilisation depends on industry-wide adoption of blockchain technology, something that I believe personally we are a long way off from, definitely not until the end of the bear market and confidence from FTX saga etc returns, hence the 1+ year timeframe for investment return.

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It’s the first healthcare exchange, not the first DNA testing company, there are plenty of those, with seemingly another testing company every month. The team makes a difference- Dr. Nova is the physician of record for Illumina’s first genome sequenced. (Illumina Announces Delivery of the First Genome through Its Individual Genome Sequencing Service | Technology Networks)

The visible product will be the app, and it’s not released yet. The website and app will look similar to the branding in the jennyco NFT website. There will be a no-cost way to join as well once the app is live, but the NFT is a no-brainer if you’re comfortable sharing your data.

I’m not the scientist behind the scenes- but I’ve heard 10k is tipping point on a recent AMA. You need to have enough people participating that meet your baseline criteria for whatever it is that you are studying.

Blockchain is needed for the system to function, but the beauty of it is that the end-user doesn’t need to know that it’s running on blockchain technology.

There are plenty of communities to tap into, but we wanted to reach out to the crypto community first. Pretty much every association for every disease can become a subdao within the JennyCo Xchange and it will benefit those members. There are 37 million people in the US with diabetes. How many of those people will join JennyCo and share their data? Cardiovascular disease affects almost half of Americans. Health and healthspans will continue to be an ongoing issue regardless of the market- bull or bear.

Great discussion going on here. About the 10k users: as far as I know, if the app will have 10k+ users, it becomes a very valuable source of data for companies that need healthcare data. JennyCo is building partnerships which will help reach that goals asap. And as someone said in this thread as well, people give away their data for free, many more might do it when they get paid doing it.



JennyCo is part of the Constellation Network ecosystem which has a circle of investors who soak up all of the ICO tokens and get easy 2-5x’s dumping on investors upon public sale.

Their token unlocks have been timed with exchange listings to allow the team to dump tokens on a pump.

This proposal is aimed to pump JennyCo investor’s bags with Olympus DAO as exit liquidity.


Seed round was at .06 over a year ago. By the time TGE rolls around in Q1, with the first unlock at 6 months, seed investors will have been holding for about 21 months before seeing 25% of the tokens.
Some may want a quick exit, but most people I’ve talked to are looking for $1 minimum.

IDO tokens were available to anyone on lattice with plenty of notice for people to participate, and there are only 3M@.16 At month 3 there will only be 11.5 M JCO tokens circulating.

Wonderland being able to invest at such a low price and comparatively short vesting is a gift to everyone involved. For JennyCo it helps them focus on building partnerships and getting the exchange live.

We will get Dr Nova on an AMA to address any concerns about the teams’ capabilities/credentials.

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My vote is further solidified with this interesting point. Not to mention how many people really want to send their DNA to some new place so the whole world might access it. :slight_smile:


I’m not a VC expert but as an investor in the fund, I’d like to know what are the potential risks involved for Wonderland.

Also, I’d like to know if we might encounter the same scenario as our situation with Betswap, ie. not enough liquidity to offload tokens + unable to OTC.


I am not familiar with all, I am sorry. What does your comment mean? If they are listened on coinbase is not enough liquidity a concern? Or it has no difference?

The proposed size of the investment is far in comparison to BSGG for sure, so the scale of the issue is much lesser. However, nonetheless if we are to take profit, it would require us selling.

It would be short-sighted of us not to learn from the BSGG episode and make sure we don’t repeat such things in our future deals. So I wouldn’t automatically assume that we would be able to exit the position even with mentions of a proposed DEX listing.

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There are at least two ways to look at VC investing. It’s a risky business for sure.

For starters make sure that there’s a potential to 10x. If not, then the risk is probably not worth it.

Agree to a plan going in. The community can figure that out in the next stage. If the goal to just to recoup the investment dollars as soon as possible, then do that, and let the rest ride.

OTC is probably another viable option too.

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Not everyone will be comfortable participating, regardless of the level of security and privacy standards in place, and that’s ok. Not everyone like Bitcoin either- but there are enough people who do believe.

Besides, DNA data is not mandatory, but more data will yield more benefits- both financial and health insights.

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I appreciate this being shared, but think that it would be mistake to invest.

My reasons:

  1. Healthcare is a very complex, highly regulated industry and this is a specialized niche within that. I doubt that Wonderland investment team has the specific industry experience to assess the chances for success. That is not a criticism. In traditional VC, firms build around sector knowledge because that is necesary for any consistent success.

  2. This is a start-up, which means that it will take years for it to grow and exit only comes if another private investor comes along. I would not consider buying tokens an investment into a company as much as a purely speculative play.

  3. The premise of the business has a lot of dependencies on external factors to succeed, including: counting on a motivated and knowledgeable user base to materialize who want to spend time managing and selling their healthcare data, the users providing data with sufficient consistency and integrity such that it is usable, pharma and labs finding this a more reliable and cost effective source than current services, etc… I’m skeptical, particularly since it doesn’t (to my view) take a real world need which people already use and improve on it in some way. You could say “get paid for data”, but then you have to pay enough to make it worth peoples’ time to adopt a new habit and routine.

  4. Concern that this will be an illiquid investment and hard to exit.

I think that there will be much simpler and better investing opportunities in areas like gaming, DeFI, blockchain services replacing web2 backend services, etc. which will be much easier to assess with similar results. If the idea is to get easy money in 9 months with CEX listing as a key catalyst, why not look for something with a simpler business model?


Why the labs will buy their health data from JennyCo and not the other already established sources? If the other data source companies try to get their market share back (like lower their prices), does JennyCo have a strategy to keep it?

I appreciate your feedback, I think all your reasons are valid. It reminds me of helium (HNT) where a marketplace also had to be created, with the users and businesses having to grow in a somewhat balanced fashion.

StepN (GMT) at one point was the leader in the move2earn genre and still has a 172M marketcap. Of course GMT was pure ponzi since there was no revenue source other than new buyers.

The sheer amount of dollars being spent on healthcare is astounding ($4Trillion in the US alone). I feel the system is broken, and while there’s no guarantee that this is the solution- it’s a step in the right direction.

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I would love to see a simple law requiring medical professionals to quote the cost of a service before they ask permission to do it. Doctors could do it today if they simply connected billing and patient-related IT systems, and it would totally change how they had to engage patients about the cost of care. But I can’t imagine that they will do it without legal requirements on pricing transparency.

HNT is a good example. They were (are) offering a chance to make money from home by buying a kit upfront. However, I don’t think that economics have worked out on buyers for the bandwidth as it does not seem to have taken off after 3+ years. When I looked into it quite a while ago, the economics were also such that the ROI on the kits went down substantially as an area became more saturated with people. I don’t think that this has quite the same issue, but, if healthcare data buyers can specify data segments that they need, then there may be a point where growing user base leads to declining demand for a given person’s data. Then it depends on whether it is worth the user’s time. So seems like a complicated business to get right.

I think that some type of solution will emerge over time that creates a market for healthcare data. I would expect it to come from a really well-backed startup with topline tech/UX skills and deep industry knowledge. Hence my reservations about a quick trade on this now.

I appreciate the thoughtful, courteous, and open way that you are communicating in the Forum about this, so thank you for that.

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Here’s an AMA that was done yesterday. (was scheduled in advance) Michael isn’t feeling well so he asked to push off any other AMA’s until the new year. JennyCo: Get full control over your healthcare data, and make LOTS of money from it! - YouTube

Answers from JennyCo to some of the various questions asked on multiple platforms

My initial questions revolve around the dynamics of the investment - particularly the NFTs. While they are transferable, some of the benefits (like the DNA test) are hard for me to wrap my head around, like how we would utilize or transfer the test to the next owner. I can’t imagine Wonderland would actually want them or have an equitable way to distribute them if we did want to keep them. What were your thoughts on this? And is there additional info about the transferable nature of the test kits that I might’ve missed?
The DNA tests are non-transferable so this would be almost a pure $JCO token play.

As far as I can tell, we’re aiming to capture the JCO tokens that come with the NFTs, vested in tranches over 12 months. Would we need to hold those NFTs for 12 months to capture the full stream?
Yes they will be released in batches with completion at 12 months.

I have another question but this one is about staking in Datapools. In the white paper, under datapools, it mentions that staked JCO tokens need to be associated with individual variables; how would it work for the DAO to stake the JCO tokens in a datapool without providing any data? From my understanding, I can stake 40 JCO tokens into a datapool, as long as I have 40 variables uploaded and available to the datapool. Are there staking pools for circulation management or liquidity providers?
The JCO token per variable only applies to data buyers not the user. This provides a floor price for users to achieve in phase 1. This model is likely to evolve once there have been sufficient transactions on JCOX to provide more dynamic pricing and pricing recommendations to data buyers and sellers.

What makes this (JennyCo) better/different from similar projects already out there? I.e what actually gives this value, or is it just one of many competing healthcare dapps?
JennyCo is actually building 2 parts of an ecosystem. Primarily the JCOX. This will be the first health data exchange built on blockchain and will benefit from auditability, transparency, security and all the other benefits of blockchain. We aim to make JCOX the largest health data exchange in the world bringing data buyers and sellers together, most of whom will be institutions. Think hospital groups and insurance companies exchanging data with each other as they do now but with transparent pricing. This leads me to the second thing we are building which is the JennyCo app. A way for INDIVIDUAL users to participate in this exchange by grouping together in cohorts thereby enhancing their value. The sum is greater than the parts. One of the superpowers of the app will be the way it enriches users data without them even knowing. For instance by presenting users with questionnaires or seeking their data in order of highest impact to their profile. Optimising the value of their dataset and in turn optimising their rewards. Finally JennyCo Inc itself will be a data buyer - we will also offer every user the option of leasing their data to us in return for JCO rewards and personalized insights. This is what we refer to as the JCO DAO pool.

*I’m interested to know people’s thoughts about this. As far as I can tell this is being pretty heavily oversold here. Considering the performance of Betswap and the problems it faced with the general public’s inability to navigate Web 3.0, i.e how turned-off they were to even set up a wallet, nevermind depositing funds, (albeit for gambling) how is JennyCo proposing to circumvent this, given where we are as a society with our integration of blockchain tech en masse?
I agree people are not ready for web3 en masse and even crypto wallets and seed phrases would put many off. Because of this we take the view that blockchain needs to be very much back end and we will be marketing accordingly. We know users understand rewards programmes like airmiles though so $JCO will bring users on very much like these programmes with an easy to navigate app and clearly defined rewards with one additional advantage over airmile programmes - we will be able to offer instant off ramp at the best rates in the market (partnership already agreed)

Has any backlash from the medical/pharma/big data lobbies been considered also?
Not at all - in fact we have had several approaches from medical and pharma wishing to partner with us already. Transparent marketplaces always win out in the end and at the moment the health data market is fragmented and opaque. Opening it up will accelerate this exponential market even further.

“JennyCo does not need “mass” adoption” → Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but I would have thought that JennyCo’s very existence and utilisation depends on industry-wide adoption of blockchain technology, something that I believe personally we are a long way off from, definitely not until the end of the bear market and confidence from FTX saga etc. returns, hence the 1+ year timeframe for investment return.
A: Mass adoption would be ideal of course but to put some user numbers here we believe the tipping point for institutional buyer interest is 10,000 users. Hence this is our first target.Once we cross this threshold of active users with full health data profile then JCO comes into its own as a utility token and becomes an ever increasing circle of more data purchases at higher prices.

JennyCo is part of the Constellation Network ecosystem which has a circle of investors who soak up all of the ICO tokens and get easy 2-5x’s dumping on investors upon public sale.Their token unlocks have been timed with exchange listings to allow the team to dump tokens on a pump.This proposal is aimed to pump JennyCo investor’s bags with Olympus DAO as exit liquidity.
JennyCo is almost entirely funded by smaller retail investors. We have only 1 vc investor. I agree most projects try to tie token unlocks with events like exchange listings because there will always be those wishing to sell. I think this is healthy. Presale and team tokens are locked as per the whitepaper so there will be no dumping.

I’m not a VC expert but as an investor in the fund, I’d like to know what are the potential risks involved for Wonderland. Also, I’d like to know if we might encounter the same scenario as our situation with Betswap, i.e. not enough liquidity to offload tokens + unable to OTC.
The main risk is missing the user number acquisition targets. (We already have many buy side institutions interested so less of a concern). In a bear market liquidity is lower and can be problematic. JennyCo is here for the long term and will keep building through macro cycles to counter this. We also believe liquidity will be driven by the utility of the JCO token, the huge amounts of tokens being bought by institutions to pay rewards for data and the need to stake JCO to participate in the JCOX (data exchange)

Why the labs will buy their health data from JennyCo and not the other already established sources? If the other data source companies try to get their market share back (like lower their prices), does JennyCo have a strategy to keep it?
Multiple reasons:

  1. Better data: The data from the jennyco app users will be curated, standardised and enriched.
  2. The buyer will be able to interact with the users selling their data (anonymised via the data pool) in case they wish to find out something extra - or even do studies.
  3. Because JCOX prices will be published data buyers will know they are getting a fair price
  4. JCOX fees will start at 20% but move to zero as the build is completed. Significantly less than brokerage fees

Healthcare is a very complex, highly regulated industry and this is a specialised niche within that. I doubt that Wonderland investment team has the specific industry experience to assess the chances for success. That is not a criticism. In traditional VC, firms build around sector knowledge because that is necessary for any consistent success.

This is a start-up, which means that it will take years for it to grow and exit only comes if another private investor comes along. I would not consider buying tokens an investment into a company as much as a purely speculative play.
This probably applies to most of cryptocurrencies at this point but i would challenge this going forward. Following DeFi the next wave is likely to be real utility and real world income being transferred into and through a tokens ecosystem!

The premise of the business has a lot of dependencies on external factors to succeed, including: counting on a motivated and knowledgeable user base to materialize who want to spend time managing and selling their healthcare data, the users providing data with sufficient consistency and integrity such that it is usable, pharma and labs finding this a more reliable and cost effective source than current services, etc… I’m skeptical, particularly since it doesn’t (to my view) take a real world need which people already use and improve on it in some way. You could say “get paid for data”, but then you have to pay enough to make it worth peoples’ time to adopt a new habit and routine.
Very valid points. Our biggest strengths are our team and that we already have the data buy-side lined up. We are laser focused on making the app as easy to navigate as possible and many of the transactions will have the option of automation. Set and forget. Even the data buyers will only deal with fiat initially to minimise friction.

Concern that this will be an illiquid investment and hard to exit.
In a bear market liquidity is lower and can be problematic. JennyCo is here for the long term and will keep building through macro cycles to counter this. We also believe liquidity will be driven by the utility of the JCO token, the huge amounts of tokens being bought by institutions to pay rewards for data and the need to stake JCO to participate in the JCOX (data exchange).

Utility token for my health data sounds dystopian and no fun.
Its not going to be for everyone. Remember the health data is anonymised before being shared.

We shouldn’t even get involved with the pharma industry, and whatever income we would be disrupting, we have our own crypto problems.
One of the problems with crypto has been the lack of funds flowing into token ecosystems for actual utility. DeFi was a start but many of the high yields were either unsustainable or built off TerraLuna and doomed. My belief is we need strong utility tokens to bring the next bull market on.

What is JennyCo’s goto market?
Once the app is in beta (next quarter) we want to bring in US university students and people who have had or are interested in having their DNA tested. Hence our first partnership with sequencing.com opening up a database of 660,000 users with a dna test already done. Our initial target being 10,000 users with complete profile including DNA.

Do they have any LOIs?
Yes and other partnerships already announced.

They gonna create soul bound tokens to link genomics data to an addy?
Probably not unless we can solve for anonymity.

Also why would someone pay for maybe 10k pieces of data?
Because it enhances research, drives insurance decisions and helps sell products.

Is there actually someone called Jenny at JennyCo?
Yes but it is also a play on the word gene.

“From what I gather they are trying to create a new market, preventing big pharma from using our data without our consent or paying us… That’s a big ask.”-> This already exists!
The UK biobank is a fantastic initiative but it is for medical research purposes. Users don’t get paid or have ongoing control. Data buyers cannot interact with them or reward them for answering ongoing specific questions about outcomes.

“JennyCo is initially focused on the Wellness and Consumer Product Sector/large Consumer Brands as targets to access consumer data. Rather than solely enter the market (initially) in the pharma sector, we will focus on an equally large and diverse Consumer Product segment (wellness, nutrition, skincare, cannabis, etc.)”-> I must be honest, this seems too broad and not very targeted
This needs to be broad as it refers to bringing the data buy side to JCOX (data exchange). The more data buyers from different markets we can entice to the exchange the more likely it is to flourish - with better prices for data sellers and the net positive effect of this in word of mouth marketing bring more users and in turn bringing more data buyers.