[RFC] Marketing strategies, Branding, Social Media

Use treasury funds to invest in Marketing/Communication

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Name: [RFC] To be determined (Be the number one DeFi 2.0 protocol in the crypto space)

Scope: Ultimately, the best products and services in the world will not be commercially successful if people who should be our investors either don’t know TIME exists or don’t understand why they should spend their money with Wonderland and not one of our competitors or other projects

Link to previous [DAO Discussion]: Allocate $$ to marketing/communication tools

Objective: Generate further returns for the treasury by using funds to invest in a wide set of marketing strategies, branding, and communication tools and bring exposure/better content to the audience

Provide a High-Level Overview: While I do believe in Dani’s and the team vision for decentralized finance and I am totally fine with them managing the treasury I do believe we can do a much better job if we had a clearer Marketing framework, communication strategies, brand image in place.

The idea is to tackle these NOW we are early in the project and hire professionals on the field.

Provide Low-Level Details:

  1. Branding: what’s our brand image? Is it Cheshire Cat icon? Alice? Sand timer? There is a huge lack of consistency across different platforms:
    The Discord server still uses the hourglass as the server icon, the Twitter account uses the Cheshire Cat icon, and dispersed throughout their usages is the image of Alice falling.

  2. Communication: Wonderland has 95k followers on Twitter. I think this is the biggest unlock! When it comes to achieving your marketing goals, Twitter is a powerful tool.

  • Create a Twitter Strategies for Wonderland
  • Set goals: We need to have clear, measurable goals. There’s no way to know if our strategy is having a positive impact on your business unless you understand what you’re trying to achieve. “Going viral” doesn’t count. These goals should align with your high-level business objectives, and be broken down into measurable indicators of success – hire a marketing expert
  • Assign roles: we need to ensure our account is monitored and active, and that someone is replying to direct messages and mentions. Twitter conversations move fast, so it’s noticeable to our followers if you’re not checking in regularly, and a failure to be responsive and timely will damage your brand – hire a CM
  • Create guidelines: We need a social media style guide to keep our communications clear and consistent. Guidelines also help you onboard new investors and prevent mishaps and mistakes on social media. For instance, instead of just saying: " Wonderland has purchased 1,183,522 $CVX OTC at an average price of $25.11" also explain to the average investor WHY this is a good move for them. I am pretty sure >50% never heard of CVX
  • Create educational video content: clear instructions for noobs to bridge tokens to Avax C-Chain, swap them, stake, wrap, etc
  • Review and update the docs, then translate them to other languages with a large user crypto base (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc)
  • Road map: key missing piece. What’s the future of Wonderland? What are the timelines to go from a rebase model to a VC / crypto hedge fund? Adding a road map to the landing website (more to come on that) would be very useful to give the investor a high-level overview of Wonderland plans
  1. Website:
  • UI/UX: I’ve seen Sifu messages in Discord saying that the UI is being reworked. There will be a dynamic graph with our treasury balance etc. As mentioned before, we need consistency in the UI/UX across platforms.
  • Landing website: for me, it says nothing about the project. It is the gateway to Wonderland and the only thing you can read is: “Financial tools to grow your wealth - stake and earn compounding interest”. Really poor to be honest. If you check out the Olympus site, for instance, it explains much more about the project, looks more professional, and overall the UI/UX is neat. We can definitely do better!
  • dapp: we could make the dapp unique and not like every other DAO. I am not suggesting to re-invent the wheel but check out Rome DAO, it has its unique branding.

If we want to be the BEST and occupy DeFi, we also need to show up as the best. Nike, Apple, etc are the best in their field and have the best marketing teams/strategies

Business and/or technical requirements of the implementation of the proposal:
To implement this proposal, the team would need to decide how much dollar value (is it MIM, TIME) we would use to hire consultants, devs, CMs or any other related professional.

I will keep reviewing this post with all your feedback!

Since an RFC is a “work in progress” Proposal, not all of these points need to be filled out from the beginning. They can be added over time as the RFC evolves into a mature Proposal.


Added your RFC to the Request For Comment category. I did change the initial title to fit the format. feel free to find a more suitable title.


I think this is an excellent breakdown and highlights some salient points.

All you have to do is look at Crypto.com to see how effective a good marketing strategy can be.

And if that centralised hellhole can do it, by gosh we can.

I agree that hiring the right people will be absolutely key, proven marketing and CM professionals who can put together a serious, detailed strategy.


We should consider bringing onboard an agency partner that understands the basics of digital marketing:

  • performance marketing (adwords, facebook ads, etc…)
  • SEO
  • content marketing

We essentially bring on someone with an expertise in process and execution. We work with them on goals, like increasing the unique MEMO holders, increasing TVL, etc…

Wonderland is building out its own user acquisition and brand building playbook from scratch, and having a good agency partner help us from the beginning could accelerate us getting into a strong operational rythm with an experimental culture


Make a proper website like olympus dao


time.money < domain, buy

BRAND simple clean like apple

pay marketing team in $time

integrate as platform:

GAMES of all kinds

bounties, work-for-hire systems like gitcoin

deep dives > wonderland.money

above all, simplest possible clear purpose

PURPOSE: “financial freedom… for frogs”


I agree with a lot that is in this post, I think not knowing what our symbol and brand are is going to hold up some other steps for Wonderland.

I had made a post saying we should buy land in the metaverse on various projects as it’s great advertising and depending on the app it provides a way for user to interact with Wonderland on some level.

For example: Sandbox. If you go check out Sandbox you see all kinds of big names owning land just get advertising every time someone goes there. This would be great but we can’t do it yet. Why? Well what symbol are putting on the front? The cat, Alice falling, hourglass? These are things we need to solidify before we can even open a store for merch etc.


I agree with acquiring a position in the metaverse as well!

Advertising throughout the greater cryptosphere is mission critical. The road to defi is through bigger crypto projects FIRST. It seems our target audience is people that already own crypto.


While I agree we need to work on solid communication and brand development. I don’t know that the project is at that stage yet. We are still finding our place and while new eyes are awesome we need to refine our presentation. Update white papers and find a direction for the project. Sifu Dani and company are doing great in stealing the boat but there are so many moves being made we need to let the board fill before we push marketing outside our niche. We need a solid foundation fully formed to build on. A communication director would likely be able to make these things happen I think we need 3-5 more months before we are really in a need to have the position filled with a competent professional to offset the full frog persona Dani is showing and the degen culture that prevails in our chat mediums. Just my thoughts


Thanks for the taking to give your feedback!

I agree that we need a solid base first, starting with our brand image and how we present ourselves across different platforms: dapp, website, docs, discord and Twitter. These need to be reviewed/updated as soon as possible.

At the same time, we can simultaneously work on a marketing strategy/plan/framework to be deployed on phases (seed, ignite, scale)

So work on a solid foundation (branding) while developing a marketing strategy (marketing) and improve communication


Agreed we need to build an image and find first base and I like the idea of phasing the rollout to align with the projects development. Something else to consider is with the broad ecosystem it might be wise to communicate with the other factions ie. Sushi avax mim spell community’s to build on each other and utilize the broad reach that has been cultivated organically


As far as logos:

  1. Not a fan of Marge Simpson falling into the square hole.

  2. The hourglass :hourglass_flowing_sand: isn’t too bad. It is also a clear connection to TIME. Less to Wonderland.

  3. The Cheshire Cat is badass. Love it! A clearer connection to Wonderland. Less to TIME.

Which way should we go Tadpoles?


Marketing is good. A strong brand image will help generate interest and combat FUD. So baby steps. First consistent branding across all platforms. Then marketing as the project grows.

I think now would be the TIME to get the project solidified and have all of the marketing if not planned, at least a general direction of how we want to move forward in the future. Pick one logo and use it for everything. I like the Cheshire Cat and Alice Falling. I don’t think the hourglass says much about the universe Wonderland exists in without the white rabbit to go with it.

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As far as branding, it needs to clearly represent both TIME and Wonderland, to show that they are the same project. To reference and depict both at the same time, I would use a silhouette of the White Rabbit, but rather than holding a stopwatch, we could use an hourglass. Or, continue using the Cheshire Cat smile, with hourglasses in his eyes.

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I appreciate the energy and focus on marketing at this early stage, but I think it is premature. With the project being new and the overall exploration showing potential groundbreaking utility, it seems there needs to be a confirmed proof of concept. What comes along with this is better clarity on the direction and growth of the ecosystem here. Inserting marketing in with these types of questions could become cumbersome quickly as there are so many unknowns. Add trying to pull in a lot more eyes into this invites push/drama/fud/etc. along with it, in my opinion.

I do think some of these ideas can be approached though, such as the logo. It’s a great start for people to participate in the forum. Other ideas that I support are translating docs and potentially educational videos or documents to assist with the staking/wrapping process.


First, we need to identify our branding and internal communication in order to have effective marketing, this shouldn’t be a wonderland only effort, it should be done by the whole ecosystem to create the connection between all projects (ICE SPELL MIM TIME), after we have a proper identity as a community we can think about marketing the project.


I agree with Cosmos. As someone who literally spends millions each week on advertising, the project isn’t ready imo. We need resources that are going to help onboard normies. We need a clear roadmap shown between SPELL/ICE/SUSHI/MIM/TIME to help people understand what’s possible if they join. At this stage, we need the community to evangelize the protocols because word of mouth is going to go much further at this point in time. I would rather see treasury funds go into a referral bonus for community members (not sure how that would be validated/bot-proofed) at this stage.


Agree as long as there’s clarity on the amount (or percentage) of the treasury that will be invested on this; please specify in the proposal.
Also, a marketing strategy requires someone who actually knows how to do marketing, not just money. Is this person’s salary included in this expenditure or is it part of the -already- allocated budget from the treasury for people/salaries?.

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IINM, the current incentive model for Wonderland is that a higher APY will attract more stakers. This assumes a closed system, where there are a fixed number of stakers (who are willing & able to stake).

Making the entire system more approachable, easier to use (onboard to deposit & stake), and growing general awareness through the items suggested in this thread is a shift to the right in the demand curve.

I believe this is money that will see good return.