[RFC] Marketing strategies, Branding, Social Media

@malagacity – that looks like they (Magnet DAO) basically took a lot of Dani’s ideas and just communicated them very clearly! I don’t think a marketing and communication strategy needs to be that expensive. What we need is one (maybe 2) right person(s) in the roles of marketing and communication manager (and perhaps doing a background check on them would be a good idea under the circumstances). It might be too much for one person to come up with a marketing strategy, clean up the image and the website etc. AND to respond to all the questions on Discord, Twitter, Medium, Reddit, etc.

I used to be Deputy CEO of DDB Group in Singapore. one of the world’s largest advertising and branding agency networks. I currently run my own independent agency and 1/3 of my of my team are FROGS and we have been here for the last 2-3months. I honestly believe that we can make a difference in terms of a clear, concise communication strategy across different platforms for the benefit of all FROGS, including ourselves. Why us? Beyond the fact that I have a team of supremely talents folks who have worked with some of the biggest brands. we clearly have a vested interest as stakeholders to make this the best product it can be. Happy to discuss further with the WL team. You can DM me NiFTiii#7850 or Twitter @MelvinKuek

There you go!
100% This!

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