[RFC] Marketing strategies, Branding, Social Media

I believe this would be a good move to cement existing investors and draw in new investors.
It is also an opportunity to repair the reputational damages being expeirenced currently due to the liquidation event.

On-boarding via easy step by step guides, tutorials, and FAQs to access in a central point rather than having to scroll through thousands of threads on either Discord or Twitter to piece together the overall picture would really help. I also proposed a Education levelling system to help draw more people in and provide a self sustaining feedback loop within the community.

This recent liquidation event clearly shows people need educating about what the Wonderland road map, an easy interface to work with and guides on how to utilise the best potential as well as avoid panic selling or snowball effects.


Can we please move forward with this. It is clearly something the community believes we need(and we really do). What is is going to take to get this implemented?

The RFC was told a month ago it was too broad. People have just been beating a dead horse.

Pasting this into a more active thread - Re: the need for a WONDERLAND COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR

This should be a TOP priority for us at this stage. Imo we have the ideal nominee already.

Twitter user @thedefiedge https://twitter.com/thedefiedge has been making amazing threads that have gone a long way in stopping FUD dead in it’s tracks but also giving a clear and thorough explanation of directives and why they’re important.

The same person has been doing a killer job on Reddit under username u/The_Happy_Hatter. His threads consistently are the most read, commented and upvoted for how well they explain what’s happening.

They’ve expressed interest in the position

"That sounds like a dream!

• Access to the team for direct information
• A small budget to hire professional designers / editors / video creators.

Give me that and I could really help the project out. "

Their threads have been retweeted by Sifu and Daniele as well as many of the Wonderland influencers. This is clearly a passion AND skill. We should absolutely hire them.


I agree with this. I am having issues connecting on discord and there is no support anywhere. I had the same problem with another project and it took 2 mins to fix the issue. Why because there was a person. Telegram is an announcement channel only why don’t we have a channel where members interact?

Telegram was shutdown because it got overrun by scammers and bots I believe. Unfortunately, the project is growling faster than the mod team can handle right now.

I think this is an EXCELLENT idea! Thank so much for presenting this! I think all the items and their proposals @malagacity cited are valid. Wonderland has a huge war chest and this would go a long way to promote and get the word out.

The vast majority of posts I see are people that are uneducated about basic things to do with this protocol. ‘How do I wrap?’, what is wMEMO?, etc. less opacity and greater clarity about the vision and roadmap the team is working on is paramount to the success of Wonderland. People aping in will only last for so long and then fade away.

Great suggestions and I hope @danielesesta and team quickly move forward on!


We have a team of Wonderland investors who are currently working on a YouTube channel, educational videos for existing and potential investors as well as a website. The team currently consists of the following professionals

Team Lead
Digital Content Creator Lead
Web Design UX Lead
Legal for review of press releases
Content Writer
SEO Professional

Our hope is to build a turn key product to offer to the Wonderland project. As Wonderland investors we believe in the project enough to donate our time and skills. Once it is up and running we are happy to hand it off to the Wonderland team or if Dani, Sifu and the DAO feel it is of value to retain us in a more full time capacity we welcome that conversation.

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Love the suggestions.

I’ve actually created a proposal which could support the delivery of these objectives, through leveraging community expertise and building a truly decentralised community.


As I mentioned we have a team assembled of Wonderland investors and currently hard at work building something for the project. We are happy to help with all marketing and PR as we believe in the project we however would need to have the support of Dani, Sifu and the DAO so we can ensure a clear release of news from the core team.

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If my proposal was supported, it would formalise an engagement structure between the community and Sifu, Daniele and the core team. This would form part of the ongoing governance structure of the project, and would help ensure initiatives such as yours had direct input / engagement from the core team

I want to preface this by saying this comment is not FUD. It does, however, highlight a risk that is neither mentioned in the request for comment/proposal, nor, as far as I can see, in the comments. I think any proposal needs to evaluate risks in addition to benefits for it to be meaningfully evaluated and for all considering it to do so in a fully informed way. Again, not FUD, but we need to consider all possibilities before making decisions, not just the potential positive outcomes.

While I understand the value proposition of high quality, prominent marketing and communications work, I think it raises legal concerns. The shift into the VC or SPAC space without registrations, filings, or licenses to do that in jurisdictions in which Wonderland participants reside exposes Wonderland to legal risk. Marketing heightens that risk by making the project more prominent. Sometimes flying under the radar is advantageous. Being shut down by the SEC or other equivalent agencies because our marketing to grow the ecoystem was so good they couldn’t help but notice Wonderland would not be an optimal outcome. It could result in loss of many participant funds.

All this is just to say: before we move forward with making ourselves better known with better comms services, we should weigh the anticipated benefits against risks that come with prominence and the potential benefit of remaining a best kept open secret.

Food for thought!


@Thegreasemachine any chance you could take a look at my proposal and offer your feedback….it’s somewhat related to some of the points you make so would be keen for your thoughts. Maybe needs to be specific about frequency of engagement with core team (so they aren’t inundated / on unnecessarily frequent chats)


Lots of wisdom here.

I’m with you 100%.

A very good example is the RFC about wMEMO burning in which there aren’t explanations about why, how and the possibly associated risk.

This type of topic are a double-edged sword if there isnt a full understanding of all pro/con.

People will vote just because there is a pool, but very few people are asking questions about.

I have a Communication advisor who would be open to a discussion with you guys in order to improve communication with the community. He’s the Co-founder of bitcoin.com !

Feel free to contact him:

He would be extremely helpful for the future of the project in my honest opinion!:slight_smile:

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This proposal has been here for weeks. The team’s answer was: " I do believe that a powerful marketing strategy can impact growth, however there are currently a lot of moving parts which will shape the overall image of Wonderland. Also solicitation is a very delicate topic to consider. (…)
The wonderland blog summarizes DAO events, treasury updates and allows new users as well as the community to be up to date. This blog can be shared on social media and is a great start towards building up more valuable content."
The project was 2.5 billion in MCAP. We couldn’t organize the DAO to make better decisions in communication, roadmap, social media strategies, transitioning to Wonderland 2.0, announcing treasury’s investments, or having better PR and crisis management for the current situation. Dani wrote today in his article: “Wonderland has a say to who manages its treasury, not me or the rest of the wonderland team.” However, the “community” asked this RFC, but nothing was done, and we walked with a ticking bomb without knowing. It exploded in the worst moment ever, and we as a community have to think if we are up to the task of

Option 1:
-hiring a new treasury manager with an outstanding reputation
-implementing education and communication strategies to regain the trust of the investors.
-Creating the roadmap for Wonderland 2.0 (Abracadabra will probably not merge with us).
-Check all the trx made by the treasury and Sifu’s wallet to report back to the DAO about the current state of the treasury and costs of managing the project.

Option 2.
-Think of an exit strategy for all investors with the treasury and close the project.

Either way, we should evaluate what we want as a DAO and make sure that the proposals (like this RFC) are taken into account.

Maybe we could ask Dani to make an AMA with Wonderland’s members to know some of the options moving forward, given that so many changes were announced and reverted in the last couple of days.

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I think we can skip this expense.

The issue is, this RFC should have been closed when it was deemed too broad. People would have stopped beating a dead horse and could have made more concise proposals. Better community management could have also help this instead of leaving it there without no one understanding why this post isn’t being voted on.

As for what you suggested, it would be better place in a topics suggesting something similar or a new topic if you do not find that any of the current post are close enough.

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I agree. But having a PR team was much needed and more in times like this. One example: most Twitter and Discord think Sifu stole from the treasury, and it’s not true. PR was trash yesterday because it was non-existent. We were told that it was too early to have someone managing this. Now, Wonderland will vote to close the project, and it seems to me that we are late now.

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