[RFC] Marketing strategies, Branding, Social Media

Many of the proposals that I see within this area of MK, are mainly Brand Image, I also propose to make a campaign to attract our target audience, which is still a niche, not many are willing to take the necessary steps to bet on TIME. I would love to make a proposal for a digital marketing campaign but I already advance you that today the best way to reach a niche market is through programmatic advertising, with the use of machine learning algorithms that can analyze all the data and show our displays and videos to people who are really likely to take the step and enter the FrogNation. For example, many of us are tired of chasing the trends waves and watching our cryptocurrencies plummet with every drop, the possibility to keep accumulating TIME on the drops thanks to the APY and dreaming with the calculator that if the dreamed bull run comes, we are going to win a lot, is a great hook to attract new people.
If in the end I can propose a campaign and I would be more than happy be paid in TIME and accumulate even more :slight_smile:

Definitely think that you’re right that this is the time to start aligning on marketing/branding. The TikTok hype attracted a lot of new faces to Wonderland (and Crypto probably) and that was organic; imagine how many more we could have attracted if there was a coordinated push done by a professional team in addition to that?

Totally agree that this is necessary, however, timeboxing is something you want to be careful with. I would personally be very comfortable with a draft version of a roadmap with no ETA associated to the different initiatives. Simply the expected order they will be addressed in would suffice for the time being and probably put a lot of newcomers (and existing investors) at ease.

When the team gets into solid routines, and is confident in their ability to deliver on their various tasks, that’s when I figure they should start putting tentative delivery dates on the roadmap. That said, they should always be mindful to under promise and overdeliver on the timeframes. A rule my team follows at work is to think of every obstacle you could encounter during this delivery of this project, now add 10% to that time and we have a tentative delivery date. This will avoid distrust from observers and avoid giving trolls ammunition down the line.

I agree, the landing page almost intimidating. Considering how many rugpulls happen in this space, it hurts the credibility of the project and could appear untrustworthy. (I know you don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but we need to anticipate all potential reasons interested people could be dissuaded from participating in Wonderland).

How would you envision the user experience for a newcomer with questions about the project once they arrive on the wonderland landing page? Here’s the options I’m seeing;

  • Redirect them to the discord.

  • Make the FAQ page even more easily accessible (and beefed up/regularly updated of course).

  • Chat window option where they are connected with a Wonderland Representative. (cost associated to the CS reps if we go this direction.)

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I concur, this would be more than enough to give an idea of what is to come and in which order…

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I’ve gone through the post and the replies and thought I’d add my two cents.

I disagree with outsourcing marketing to an ‘expert’ or consultancy.

Instead, I suggest we become a marketing company. Let me explain further.

We need to control the full process from content creation to distribution. This could be focused on two key areas, new token holders and TVL.

What most crypto projects do is spend $$$ on influencers which does work, but as long as you keep paying. It’s rented attention. Not sustainable.

Wonderland needs to own its own marketing operation from content creation to distribution. Fuelling the entire ecosystem.

Given the insane APY’s that are available, getting traditional media to cover wonderland wouldn’t be a crazy idea. We could then use the attention to continue building out our content.

This could be - Newsletters, Educational Content (videos + text), recording community AMA’s and calls publishing to a wonderland YouTube page (couldn’t see one), building our presence in other areas, and essentially dominating space.

The high-level flow would look something like this:

  • Attention (awareness)
  • Consideration
  • Conversion

These are a few rough ideas. I feel a lot could be done with a fairly small team.

Happy to help structure a plan/strategy.


Since we’re still in the very early stages of being a DAO, I’d rather allocate all available treasury assets to generating more yield.

Our priority for the next 12 months should be to allow Sifu to grow the Treasury as much as possible without anything to impede that.

We definitely need to build out our brand, but IMO now is not the time. I’d rather concentrate and allocate all assets + attention to growing the treasury (our main product) before we focus on branding/user acquisition.

This RFC gets a no from me.


I agree with the idea of implementing a marketing strategy as well as on boarding a team specifically for this cause how ever I agree with @Dhanoa_07 and moving to a more sustainable model of growth. There is such thing of growing to fast. IMO we should first move onto a more stable and sustainable growth model then start implementing a marketing growth strategy. This will help the DAO in sustaibabilty/logevity and be ready for the growth as well.

@time8 is wonderland.money not good enough? the project is called wonderland afterall with the focus shifting towards wmemo and away from time.

@malagacity I feel like marketing and branding are all things that yes need to be done, but done after the utility is built in (NFT and game design, multichain access to more networks, etc) if we market now we might end up looking like say all the other DAOs that marketed super hard when they were failing and then ended up being RUG PULLS. i mean when i think of marketing DAO that rebases i think of RING and JADE protocol which were both rugs. Lets get some meat on our bones before we tell the world to look at us. first impressions are everything. once were seen as “just another shit rebasing DAO rug pull” itll be hard to shake that image…even if its a false image


That’s what we need, we can be better and better, it’s all about $TIME. :slight_smile: :grin:

you realize dani ha s been ceo of a major blockchain company for like 5 years now, right? im 100% sure hes got it covered. i mean he plugs wonderland whenever theres news about it…any more hype is just recycling the same info over and over. we’ve got maybe 4 irons on the stove rn, with like 1 or 2 things being somewhat close to kind of being market ready but to invest millions in hiring some rando to make us look like a rug pull JADE PROTOCOL RING PROTOCOL is just going to make us look like just that: a fuckin rug pull

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defi isnt really for the stupid or the people that dont want to read. all this info is on the docs, or the discord is it really that hard to fucking click docs or discord? is it that hard to read? if we posted the info in a different spot on the site: they still have to read it. as far as paying someone to constantly chat, that would be like 200 people in 2 call centers on different spot of the world. too costly and not efficient at all: thered be a lot of wrong info given out and its already being taken care of. sifu literally is on standby every night answering questions to everyone from “why APY SO HIGH?” to “hey when is the snapshot for the airdrop” hiring people to answer questions sounds a lot like paying people to spread misinformation. like what are these 200 chat mesagers going to sit with dani and sifu for 2 months to get an entire mind download of whats to come and the theory behind everything? even then i doubt they could explain it well enough that it wouldnt be poorly communicated by the chat center people. also would they all have to speak english? most of the questions would end up being shot to sifu anyways. IDK i feel like this whole idea to market sounds terrible: the project is too early, we havent produced enough, and everyone whos had major marketing teams “help” with their DAO has been a rug pull.

When the treasury reached $1B, Sifu wrote “we are only getting started.” And I think, no matter what stage we are at, let it always be the first stage. No roadmap, all time we’re only getting started. Like a boxer who has not yet put on gloves and mouthguards, but has already filled up scared the titled champion.
Look around, people have an eerie FOMO because they can’t find good projects early on. So, let’s give people this feeling. “We’re only getting started.”
My opinion: keep the site minimal, let us have a small organization with replies on twitter, let us have blurry messages. The true marketing pro will not follow the standard ads and branding model. I think first he will ask: “Guys, how did you manage to become the largest DAO?” And when we answer, he will say, “You don’t need me, just keep going.”
People are tired of ads and marketers selling shit. I am pissed off by the ads and these polished answers. Every time I see this beautiful offer, I feel a cock touch my ass.
Let’s make strength what everyone considers our weakness. By tying the ecosystem with a corporate identity, we are whispering in the ear “use only sushiswap”. It is not right. We must not impose protocols. The user has to choose himself.
In addition, a person who successfully finds an early community holds on to it much more tightly. I think, better 500K loyal frogs than 500M mosquitoes.
So, my point:

  1. Maintain a state of light confusion; and the keynote is to keep the position of the early community.
  2. Do not tie the ecosystem in a single style.
  3. Focus on improving documentation, educating users, and investing in new projects.

Besides, associations with Marge Simpson or falling price are only personal, subjective associations. In general, Amazon has a long penis drawn, and has no problem with it. Btw, I like the pine twig with the garland on the logo. It seems as if we are always having a holiday.

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I think this RFC is taking quite a long while? The last update to the proposal was 25 days ago. Best is just what @0xWicked said. Let’s divide this into 4 pieces and start with some branding and landing page…

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I agree,

just divide in different proposal so that we can proceed and express our votes on every point.


this if anything. like lets definately have a super clear idea of what we need exactly before we hire some marketing exec thats gonna be like “i need 20 million for 10 more people for your vague goals”

No all the information about the project is not in the docs. Things are changing constantly and the docs are not updated with the latest info. It wouldn’t be hard to update the docs, but it takes time and someone should be responsible for that.

Expecting all users/investors to scroll through a Discord to search for answers to questions they might have is not coherent with rendering information accessible to a wide audience. Additionally, there’s fewer than 10% of holders of Memo who are currently in the Discord; evidently, not everyone knows to go there, nor should they expect that this is where they should find official information about a project. Discord is great for announcements, conversations or back and forth real time discussions, but it’s far from an effective way to search for legit information, especially considering the amount of wrong info being shared in there.

Right, so this was one of several options I was seeing and something I was asking the OP their thoughts on. That said, no you don’t need 200 people in 2 call centers across the globe. For the sake of clarifying the actual needs, I’ll do some quick napkin math for you; 1 CS agent should be able to handle 100-120 chat contacts per work day (8 hour shift at 80% occupancy rate), by allowing up to 3 simultaneous conversations with an average handle time of 10 minutes each. (this would be about 4000-5000 unique conversations per month). Assuming you wanted full 24/7 coverage, you would need about 7 people (in order to cover for planned absences). If you wanted to cover more than one language, it’s doable, you can find CS agents who can speak 4 languages relatively easily, though costs will go up for this specification. So in an optimistic scenario, your 7 agents could handle up to 35000 contacts per month, which I would wager is more than sufficient for now, though scaling could always be possible if at all necessary.

The whole point of hiring a team is that the information being communicated is accurate, unlike what you will find littering YouTube or even Discord until a Cheshire Cat or Time Cop intervenes. They would need to be supplied the information they can share, but these routines are not complicated to put in place. It’s possible to tell a user that you will get back to them with the answer to their question as soon as you can, close the conversation and email them answers at a later date.

An easy enough routine to put in place is a 15-30 min daily conference call with a representative from Wonderland (could be anyone who can speak with authority on a broad enough range of topics). The CS team runs through the most common questions they are getting that they are unable to answer (Usually this is the Team Lead or Supervisor who will aggregate the common questions by reviewing the tickets logged by their team). Get the answers they can give back to the community, and document it in a shared space so if their colleagues encounter this question again, they will have the latest info.

Yes, he is, and you think this is the best use of his time? I would only agree that it lends credibility to the platform that the treasurer is involved with the community, but I would definitely argue that him not needing to answer simple questions day in and day out is probably a beneficial outcome. Maybe he enjoys this, but considering the questions I see him answering, I tend to doubt that this is the most enjoyable part of his day.

Building a proper strategy around this takes time. It’s not like there’s going to be an agreement to go forward with a marketing plan and the very next day you’re going to see Wonderland ads all over your mobile games. It could be months before a real solid communications and marketing strategy would be developed and deployed.

It’s true that we haven’t produced much yet, but there are big milestones coming up and it would be relevant to have effective planning in place to have the greatest impact with the messaging around these announcements. This can be as simple as picking the right date/time to make the announcement, being aware of the crypto ecosystem - will our message be drowned out by other big events happening at this time, are there any recent trends we should capitalize on to ensure these communications are shared to an even wider audience.

These are small ways that a marketing team can make your brand rise above the rest. Other common examples are strategically leaking information before an announcement, or working with influencers to test their new products. There’s much more thought process that goes into this than the layman gives them credit for.


@isthatlowfat we have waay more than 10-120 people who’d want to talk or chat a day with sifu already…just on the discord. which as you pointed out only has like 10% of the ppl participating in wonderland. wonderland is one of the biggest DAOs in existance so itd be a little redicuoulus to think there wouldnt be at least chats in the 5–6 digits per day if we only include wonderland participants. now if you include all the tom dick and harrys that say are thinking of participating in wonderland, you have to at least 1.5x the number of chats per day. and youd want to have more available ppl than inquiries otherwise having a chat option will look very bad. i mean it seems like you really want to write some random CM a blank check for 7-8 figures to do a vision board of what Wonderland could be so i doubt im going to change your mind. I mean yes could wonderland be more easy to follow? yes of course. all of DeFi could be. but then again new, constantly developing systems are always going to need constant updates and announcements but like why hold the entire community’s hand? I’m just looking around at other, highly functioning projects and see very little of what you’re describing. with the exception of a roadmap which im pretty sure the projects all make themselves. Everyday Marketing using a marketing company—> JADE PROTOCOL/SNOWDOG/RING they all had “very professional looking marketing” and they all were big scams. im sorry im so pessimistic about this topic but this is why.

Yes I agree here, would like some more clarity on topics listed. Would love to see it broken down into branding, website, marketing campaigns, etc as their own groups with more details. Would like to first set a solid foundation on topics listed such as a logo and website before marketing campaigns or twitter strategies are considered.

I’m not fully with the idea to have a marketing team. I believe the community is more powerful. May be personal bias but more obvious marketing campaigns have never enticed me. In the crypto sphere I think the community can speak volumes more than a marketing campaign can. However, I would definitely be on board if the overall community thinks it’s necessary but this RFC is too broad for me currently.

Also interested in hearing out any ideas on educational content that is needed. With the wMEMO transition (and as of today the capped supply) now making it more streamlined I think lots of confusion will be cleared up heading forwards. There’s already tons of guides we’ve linked out to new members on getting funds to the defi from a CEX or even as specific to ‘How to stake on Wonderland from Binance.’ Would love to make some guides myself but not sure what’s needed.

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Hiring a communications team needs to be a priority yesteryear, as Wonderland’s communications are a mess. People shouldn’t need to download discord or twitter to get the latest updates - information on the DAO should be immediately accessible from the website. I also don’t care to sift through all this twitter drama with other DAOs. Just give me clear and concise weekly updates about what’s going on with my money and projects. I’ve worked in too many start ups that try not to have this organized corporate image and it just never ends well. We can definitely do 1000x better.


We definitely need this. It’s crazy that a project this size and this successful doesn’t have any form of marketing or Community manager. I think for this project to get to the next level we need to start educating new users and updating the existing user base with information on the status of this project and things to look forward to. This is 100% necessary if we want this project to be successful long-term.