[RFC] Marketing strategies, Branding, Social Media

I’ve been looking for a roadmap to put in the forum, I just found this video in which Daniel explains how the entire ecosystem works together. Provided me a lot of clarity. Founder of Time Wonderland (Daniele Sesta) Talks Abracadabra Money, SushiSwap and Popsicle Finance - YouTube



Name: [RFC] To be determined (Be the number one DeFi 2.0 protocol in the crypto space)

Scope: Ultimately, the best products and services in the world will not be commercially successful if people who should be our investors either don’t know TIME exists or don’t understand why they should spend their money with Wonderland and not one of our competitors or other projects

Link to previous [DAO Discussion]: Allocate $$ to marketing/communication tools 9

Objective: Generate further returns for the treasury by using funds to invest in a wide set of marketing strategies, branding, and communication tools and bring exposure/better content to the audience

Provide a High-Level Overview: While I do believe in Dani’s and the team’s vision for decentralized finance and I am totally fine with them managing the treasury I do believe we can do a much better job if we had a clearer Marketing framework, communication strategies, brand image in place.

The idea is to tackle these NOW we are early in the project and hire professionals on the field.

Provide Low-Level Details:

Topics to tackle NOW and move to WIP:

Building/reworking branding for Wonderland:

  1. Branding:
  • what’s our brand image? Is it Cheshire Cat icon? Alice? Sand timer? There is a huge lack of consistency across different platforms:
    The Discord server still uses the hourglass as the server icon, the Twitter account uses the Cheshire Cat icon, and dispersed throughout their usages is the image of Alice falling.
  1. Improved website, UX/UI experience:
  • UI/UX: I’ve seen Sifu messages in Discord saying that the UI is being reworked. There will be a dynamic graph with our treasury balance etc. As mentioned before, we need consistency in the UI/UX across platforms.
  • Landing website: for me, it says nothing about the project. It is the gateway to Wonderland and the only thing you can read is: “Financial tools to grow your wealth - stake and earn compounding interest”. Really poor to be honest. If you check out the Olympus site, for instance, it explains much more about the project, looks more professional, and overall the UI/UX is neat. We can definitely do better!
  • dapp: we could make the dapp unique and not like every other DAO. I am not suggesting to re-invent the wheel but check out Rome DAO, it has its unique branding.
  • Road map: key missing piece. What’s the future of Wonderland? What are the timelines to go from a rebase model to a VC / crypto hedge fund? Adding a road map to the landing website (more to come on that) would be very useful to give the investor a high-level overview of Wonderland plans
  • Review and update the docs

If we want to be the BEST and occupy DeFi, we also need to show up as the best. Nike, Apple, etc are the best in their field and have the best branding and marketing/strategies

Business and/or technical requirements of the implementation of the proposal:

Instead of us reaching out to companies that can help us with our branding and website, let them reach out to us with a proposal and a budget. The idea would be to post a “job ad” on Twitter and review their proposals/budget, using the DAO to vote for the best.

Once we have our branding and website figured out, we can move to these on a later stage and move:

Communication: Wonderland has over 100k followers on Twitter. I think this is the biggest unlock! When it comes to achieving your marketing goals, Twitter is a powerful tool.

  • Create a Twitter Strategies fo Wonderland
  • Set goals: We need to have clear, measurable goals. There’s no way to know if our strategy is having a positive impact on your business unless you understand what you’re trying to achieve. “Going viral” doesn’t count. These goals should align with your high-level business objectives, and be broken down into measurable indicators of success
  • Assign roles: we need to ensure our account is monitored and active, and that someone is replying to direct messages and mentions. Twitter conversations move fast, so it’s noticeable to our followers if you’re not checking in regularly, and a failure to be responsive and timely will damage your brand
  • Create guidelines: We need a social media style guide to keep our communications clear and consistent. Guidelines also help you onboard new investors and prevent mishaps and mistakes on social media. For instance, instead of just saying: " Wonderland has purchased 1,183,522 $CVX OTC at an average price of $25.11" also explain to the average investor WHY this is a good move for them. I am pretty sure >50% never heard of CVX
  • Create educational video content: clear instructions for noobs to bridge tokens to Avax C-Chain, swap them, stake, wrap, etc
  • Review and update the docs, then translate them to other languages with a large user crypto base (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc)

My point of view is that the project is not ready yet to open a marketing channel.

The project should build a strong community based on trust like it does so far, opening a marketing channel at the current phase could harm the project if “paper hands” joins without fully understand how the thing work here.

I think that right now we should focus on how to “educate” people about the project:

  • How it works
  • what’s the purpose
  • How to use all the features in order to take advantage (most people only buying time and staking)

PS Excuse my English


Current quick issues I’d like to see resolved that’d fit in this topic:

  • Clear house-style across all social media channels (as earlier mentioned).

  • Link to Dao Discussion Forum.

  • Clear description of Wonderland as a Hyper-democratized VC fund (What we can do / How does decisionmaking work / How do you get rewarded (so much) / Current vested Portfolio and %net Result)

  • Complex KPI dashboard for better monitoring and analysis = will help general discussion.

  • And Yes Sensei: Text RPG Game =

  • Tool to build community (bigger community bigger dao)

  • Incentivise Time staking by adding unlockable content

  • A low resource game = accessible by mobile / lowspec users

  • A low resource game = Cost effective in development, easier to focus on gameplay, story, community and expansion.


I agree that the messaging could be clearer. There is a lot of implied understanding about Defi, and the greater ecosystem (time, spell, Mim, popsicle). I think a lot of people don’t fully understand DAOs as well. One thing you mention that is NIT clear to me is how does voting work? and where does a user vote? What is a DAO in Crypto? (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) - YouTube

A lot of the questions people are asking are explained in the document section. But again the messaging could be better, along with the presentation.

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Keep in mind that the docs are outdated and being reworked.

As for voting, it is done on snapshot. Your voting power is the amount of “TIME” you have (MEMO/wMEMO conversion included).

So far, votes had a Quorum of 5k TIME. So if there isn’t 5k TIME “used” to vote, then the vote doesn’t count. There is a need for someone to have 100 TIME to create a proposal. However, with the forum, it might be easier to get someone (maybe a team member) to put the proposal up if it was suggested by someone that doesn’t have 100 TIME.

It does not cost anything to vote or propose.

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Cheshire Cat is 100% badass and so on point. Follow the cat and expose yourself to unimaginable possibilities if you wonder down the rabbit hole. Connection to the Wonderland brand while also creating a metaphorical link to TIME and its vision.

I think whatever the long term logo / branding strategy, it needs to be edgy from the point of wealth generation. The idea of the DAO in that aspect is helping the people who are inherently at a disadvantage in our mainstream financial system - a system designed to keep money in the hands of those who already have a shitload of it. That is badass and giving power to the people. Everything I have ever imagined the Cheshire Cat to be hahaha.

Everyone is raising good points. Strategies take time to develop, so I don’t see an issue with getting started early. Strategic direction is important even when building a baseline. Out of all areas mentioned above, I think in the short term the team should try and capitalise on the social media following. Their Twitter account went from around 20-30K followers to 106K within a few short months. Yesterday the following was at 101K so the traction will likely continue organically (or could be supercharged with a little bit of TLC).

I agree the comm’s on Twitter could do a little better at explaining what things mean for the investor. The posts generally state what has or is happening, but it misses the why. Addressing why something is happening makes it easier for someone to understand what it means for them.

My initial experience with Wonderland was through word of mouth - I trusted a buddy of mine who suggested I stake. So I jumped in with a small stake knowing that would be motivation for me to delve deep, and as I learnt more about it I increased my stake. Now I am the one giving word of mouth and getting my friends involved.

If I had only come across them on Twitter I don’t think I would have really gotten the message and probably not looked into it any further. From that perspective, with a following that continues to grow on a popular social platform, the comm’s could be better at addressing the why and drawing newcomers in to look for themselves. Be the Cheshire Cat :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for explaining voting better! Do you know which part of the docs are getting reworked? You don’t have to go into massive detail, but I’m just looking for some kind of directional indication or reference.

Not sure. I think the basics of how things work might be fine, but like the introduction that says we want to be a Reserve Currency is wrong, so that’s one part for sure.

I could help work on branding, I am a very experienced Graphic Designer, it would be better if people from the community worked on it. dm me


Totally agree with your emphasis on the importance of marketing.
But I think that before we spend money on marketing, we should all know the concrete goal of Wonderland.
Is the goal 5 Billion$ TVL by summer? Or growth the Treasury by 10% per month?

A roadmap (if not already available) would help us all.



Would it be better to have Wonderland have the same art style as ABRACADABRA and for all of Dani’s projects to have this sort of aesthetic?


some dope wonderland apparel would be cool too. They have a merch store with mediocre design. A refresh would be nice

I agree on:

  1. There can be value added by increasing marketing presence (notably on Twitter)
  2. Cleaning up the UI
  3. Harmonizing the branding across the platforms.
  4. Need for a Roadmap

But we should not alter the wonderland image too much.
I don’t want to see wonderland dumbed down to a platform “for noobies” with educational videos and the like: there is value in having a brand image of complexity or risk (ie. the scary depiction of the cheshire cat on the main website).

Also, wen merch ?

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As a former webdev, 1000% need to clone these guys site at Magnet. Amazingly well thought out and well written copy. We get a translator service plug-in for the website, and some explainer videos put out into all of the languages voted for in the Global Channel of the Discord. If this is to succeed, we really do need to work the globalist, all frogs welcome angle. I for one would be happy to start drafting a Wonderland revision from their site that could be attached to an eventual WIP. @malagacity I’ll partner with you to get some tangible items out there for further comment.

Need a stable of memers too tbh. Gonna need it for Reddit and other platforms. Esp once Sushi starts to ramp up, as it looks the vote is about to pass in our favor.


For marketing & communications i think having a well known company represent us, bring awareness is really important. Blokhaus is such company, They have done marketing for Tezos in the past… so they are somewhat fimiliar with marketing and brand awareness in crypto markets.

Another company that has worked in the cryptocurrency market is Huge Inc. They have been involved with HBO GO, Pepsi and many others in order to get out their brand. We need to be the voice of Wonderland TIME online and offline. I was visiting Amsterdam about 2 weeks ago, and there was a tram which had Floki promotion on it. That tram would drive so many times in the city, somewhere with huge amounts of tourists.

Can’t wait to get this proposal to the WIP section.

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Love this proposal. I would add that Wonderland needs much more detailed information about how it works. I spend a lot of time in my mind translating the protocol terms into financial terms I understand. Maybe it’s because I’m an old-timer lol.

Great marketing and communication is the key to bringing this this platform to the world. I LOVE that it has a face (Daniel), that is HUGE. I have spent countless hours\ searching on so many different sources/blogs etc to learn about this DAO. I am not a developer or a tech person, and I can tell you it has been an uphill battle. But I’m so committed to the concept I want to see it succeed.

That’s an interesting idea…hmm I was all all for dumbing it down. a bit. In order to expand the universe that will invest in it. But I see your point it is giving me pause now…in fact one of the reasons I wanted to get into it was that is was NOT widely adopted or easy to invest in. No normal person can go through all these steps with confidence IMO.

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I’d love to see D do a podcast.