[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

You are an idiot…lmao you say shit like that but how the fuck do you know that they didnt liquidate people on purpose to take their money!?

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we need to keep going, dissolving the treasury is not going to help anyone. Pennies on the dollar.

Its ~$600M is alot of money. even stable passive returns would be enough to sustain good returns for long time holders. The people worried are people who over invested/got liquidated. Both of which are lessons for them to learn. All this get rich quick schemes are not going to work. Most people here who want the treasury dissolved are one of these two. Salty is the right word. I am sorry you leveraged. I am sorry you spent rent money on a crypto investment.

But the treasury is a war chest and needs to be used as such. Not used to pay back degens.


The backing was always a soft floor. And Dani himself got liquidated. It was an attack, which is fairly common these days. Price drop so whales buy cheaper. Its not SPECIAL to wonderland. People were greedy and used leveraged. They wanted all the reward but do not want to take any of the risk. Huh

Attack by who? Sifu maybe? lmao get out of here, these mother fuckers need to be checked out by the fed dani let a known scammer manage the treasury funds. FROG NATION WAGME btw. Fuck you!

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The price is well below prices people got liquidated. So how did they take anyones money lol. The treasury is what we’re looking at and all transactions are on snowtrace + etherscan + MULTISIG. Please google how a multisig works.

A quick look at the treasury that is not TIME/wMEMO, assuming we also get whatever that is illiquid, amounts to around 409m USD, assuming this amount to split among 17000 wMEMO, it is effectively 24k USD per wMEMO. This excludes further price depreciation of the underlying assets; if paid in stables the dumping of non-stable assets will crash the price and we will end up with a fraction of 24k USD per wMEMO, and if distributed as treasury assets, there may also be a dump since many will convert those to some other assets.
All scenarios are not ideal, but winding down is more advantageous to both the dev team and whales accumulating at discounts. Wonderland still has a functional treasury, which is a great asset in itself and it is still possible continue as a decentralized VC role. Treasury still can grow from solid investment on other promising products.


I know how multi sig works dumbass just because there is a multi sig doesnt mean these dudes could have had a bot to manipulate the price in their favor you keep believing in these scum bags I really do hope these fuck wits get nailed by the fed

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haha see what I mean everyone. Ngmi fren. The FED not gonna do shit, he did not steal. Fuck Sifu I agree with you. But wonderland can continue. Dani has done some amazing stuff over the years. You’re just salty coz you invested more than you could lose. Aw :frowning:

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Everyone please vote to extend this whole “find a replacement within 5 days or else” rule so we can actually find someone who is legit and going to do the right thing for the project. Vote here: PROPOSAL: If the vote to dissolve the treasury does not go through, remove 5 day window to find new management!

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I agree! I wish more people could understand. People just want easy money, just dissolve the treasury take losses and move on. I mean what stupid logic. It does not work like that. I just hope the when there is the vote people see it like that and do not just give up due to the on going FUD.

It’s still very unclear what’s the actual backing is… it has being said many times that WMEMO and TIME weren’t counted but now it looks like it does count.
A detailed (not what’s in the website) audit would help figuring out.
And for the illiquid assets we would either need to sell it back at discount (e.g. to BSGG) before liquidating or we will likely send it to 0 when everyone dumps

? I can gaurentee your loss hurt more than mine. I see people like that colin kid talking about working door dash to buy wmemo and he got screwed over by some dirt bags. It was supposed to be frog nation, we are one. These fucks dont give a shit about you idiot. Dani doesnt give a fuck about you if he did he wouldnt let sifu manage the treasury knowing he was a known scammer!

I hope dani rots in fucking hell, you mad? This guy is an utter scumbag. This entire thing is a blow to defi and the entire web 3 movement and he needs to be punished period. What in the fuck. also prove to me that they did not have bots that caused the liquidated cascades a multi sig’ed wallet doesnt mean shit if it did bots wouldnt have fucked with the price in the first place. You are a fucking dote

and out of all the respect Dani claims he has about everyone here, we get this half ass proposal by the way. This guy is literally going to just go back to abra and popsicle and act like none of this shit happened pathetic! you are just as big of a loser as dani lmao

This is our treasury. I think it’s far from “over”.


So dissolving treasury does not solve any of these problems mate. You would like pennies on the dollar literally. Since you’re so smart, I dont need to tell you how much the backing would come to if it was dissolved. Also, Its not like Im in love with them lmao, he let Sifu manage the treasury which is a dumbass move. He was dumb for that. But no funds have been stolen. Btw anyone can make a bot, there are a lot of DAOs trying to attack wonderland. Also, did you get liquidated?

Prove to me bots caused the cascading liquidations. I have nothing to prove. Assets were not stolen.

you seem mad successful Degree0, congrats.

I am not talking about disolving the treasury I am talking about sifu using his 400 mil to pay it forward like a decent human being. I did not get liquidated what is up with you are apart of the cult for life huh? I am telling you I am pissed about how these guys played this shit off like it was a movement to help society and they completely did everyone dirty. I am upset because web 3 will end up to be exactly what we have in the current financial system. No funds have been stolen, HOW do you know that sifu wasnt behind the liquidation cascades, PROVE IT!

This proposal is literally dani just throwing off the project because he knows hes in deep shit, hes been caught. Time for him to sweep as much as he can under the rug and just be a “FROG NATION” scammer lmao. Fuck you

Any idea why wonderland site is down… I can’t get on discord either.

Then I have lost the same percentage as you. Whoever caused the liquidations does not matter. The main issue here is Sifu, and the trust lost. Conspiracies are just that conspiracies. Notice I have not cursed once, genuinely trying to discuss. You just seem really angry, relax Degree1000.

He’s putting it up to a vote lol, how is that throwing the project? Thats what smart people like yourself want, would you prefer if dissolving treasury was not an option? I would to.

Who cares what you have or have not done you are a fucking sheep. What dani did was border line criminal and it’s not a conspiracy when all the shit that has unfolded, has unfolded this proposal can fuck off, there needs to be an audit and investigation done on this entire situation before a proposal like this even takes place. Including merlin! We do not know so much and what we do know is dani let sifu manage the funds while knowing about his previous actions. This is shady as all hell.