[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

you sound like we made the mistake and we need to kiss danis ass again. Im a (3,3) frog and he has shown no care or sympathy in mitigating the leveraging or side stepping and simply used treasury buyback . he could have put a tax on short term holders and something with leveraging but he chose not to . wonder whos interest he was more concerned for . It wasnt the frogs of wonderland . Im sure he always wanted wonderland to be milked then completely taken by abracadabra. Never cared for us really. So stop with this lets make dani happy again id rather walk away with my head up then to speculate further into the void that showsed a path into a merge with abracadabra Fuck that and accept your fate

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Dani is already in the wind. If we are going to move on we will have to do it without him!

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There basically saying you ask for your money back . Ok here and they throw it in the air so any one can grab it who invest in wmemo

your wrong someone decides to game a system intended for frogs who have risked this whole time. Using those terms lets be frank the ones taking the risks are the wolfs in sheeps clothing at this point of entry

I joined 2 days ago to stake at long term :roll_eyes:

What is the actual breakdown of treasury assets per wmemo with real numbers that will be received per wmemo?

@denden @aibra That is not true at all:


This was way before the snapshot. What is going on is preposterous. It’s the most elaborate rugpull you’ll see in crypto

WHAT’S THE HURRY TO UNWIND WONDERLAND…“LOCK the treasury”…let it go on auto pilot mode…Taking decisions can be deferred …say for a month

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Why don’t we take a pause…all (most) of the treasury is invested in LP’s or some kind of lock…there are some tokens that can be staked…stake them…and just lock the treasury for a month…We’ll take a decision when this madness has calmed down a bit…


give WONDERLAND a second chance…DO NOT THROW THE BABY WITH THE BATH WATER…I have suggested again and again…this is a very fluid situation…lets not take decision ina hurry…STOP EVERYTHING…maintain status quo…let the ball roll in auto mode…we’ll come back 1st week of march 2022…then decide


So I lose wMemo as a result of Wonderlands failed buyback and get an equal amount of treasury funds to match my now dismal amount left! No thanks, grow this beast back to its formal idea.

i vote to continue the project. they want us to vote on liquidating so they can get our funds legally. these people own so much wMemo that we’ll get jackshit. probably lower than the current price of wMemo. if we vote to continue the project, im sure many would want to take over the project with already a huge backing. this would give our investments a chance to go back up.

wMEMO Price


Backing per $wMEMO


Buy wMEMO now vote YES and make 44.2%

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Personally I don’t see any way out of this other than a teardown and treasury distribution. It is sad and a lot of money and opportunity was lost.

The premium over backing price we all paid last year was mostly due to potential of future seed investments etc, i.e. founder’s network. Their rep is kinda cooked now and any association with Wonderland comes with bad PR.

So I don’t understand what people who vote NO wanna get out of this, it’s just cope imo. You won’t get your investment back any time soon. Rather look for new opportunities.

I’m gonna guess that is not how the backing price system works.

What happen in that case if i never wrap my memo?

Snapshot was already taken, makes no sense to buy now… You won´t be part of treasury payments

I actually like the idea of continuing with Wonderland as a VC fund, also with Dani (if he’s still interested?) - but build a strong team and structure around him, with treasury managers, investment scouts, community managers etc. Give Wonderland a fresh start. Small frogs joining forces as a VC fund should get better deals and make more money than with individual investments. Perhaps we could give the people who want to exit the option to exit, and whoever stays in, moves forward with Wonderland? No point in having people stuck in here against there will. But also not nice to force people out at current price levels.


Vote “NO” :x: :x: :x: to wind-down Wonderland … there is very good reason why the proposal does not tell you what you will all receive per wMemo and that is because if you knew how little and crumby the amount the refund would be you would never accept it … by winding down we are being sold out, the only winners will be the Whales who are buying big now for easy cash … if a private company had a scandal like this with $700M in the bank they would NEVER wind down the company, they would restructure, increase governance and rise up again … vote “NO” against wind-down this is the ONLY hope we got to make it great again and see that we all recoup our losses !! THe team have been asked millions of times to estimate what the payout would look like and they dont do it because its not in their interest to do so, THEY KNOW JUST HOW SHITTY LITTLE WE WOULD ALL RECEIVE NO ONE WOULD ACCEPT IT, all they care about now is grabbing their cash and bailing to do dev work on another project … there simply is F-ALL money after debts and writing off wMemo in treasury to go around and make it worthwhile … Vote NO to the proposal, keep Wonderland pumping !! Vote “NO” :x: :x: :x:


we want to continue !!!