[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

Guys, do NOT vote for wind down Wonderland… Look at the TOP5 wallets who voted YES… They have a big portion of the cake and bought wMEMO just before the snapshot at this low price… Don´t let them getting a hugh uptake and we as the longterm hodlers having a really big loss… IRL you would start to restructure the company and try to get back in trace. Let´s give it a try instead of feeding these whales, short term traders…


This is ridiculous most of the frogs are voting no, and whales are manipulating it, this vote shouldnt even count …


Crypto is volatile and liquidation is a bot. Lesson stay away from leverage or collateral unless it is for a SHORT water tight term. To leverage is your decision. Collateral liquidated however funds “borrowed” you retain.

You chose to “realise” your loss.

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Have there been any serious contenders offering to take it over worth considering? I mean, actually working on a plan through the night?

If not, then in the rush it feels to me like any silver tongued charlatan could step in.

Is this snapshot.org voting site flaky as hell? Not exactly condusive to smooth voting process.

No one can properly vote on this decision without the numbers dollar value etc being put forward. Dani please provide that so it is clear for people to know exactly what they are cashing out at. I lean towards regroup, assess where and what went wrong how much is just market movement, financial snapshot etc take a breath and think through carefully. Don’t throw baby out with bathwater. Wonderland is fundamentally solid. The Abra merge would also benefit BOTH sides that is something we can do after we sort out the internals. Those who want out can go for it.

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Incorrect that is the snapshot for voting… If snapshot was taken everyone would sell now and take double profit

I would suggest buying low now to offset the losses you already have and when you make a profit from treasury and then rotate to other projects. Whales are smart money follow the smart money

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How is WL fundamentally solid?

  • The lead developer wants out and has calamitous track record of making terrible decisions

  • There’s no one managing the treasury

  • The price is being manipulated by whales

  • The community is at odds with each other over what direction to take

  • Leveraged liquidations are rewarded while holders are punished

Apparently doing a few refreshes on the voting page to get the damn thing to respond gracefully triggers their security configs.
Blocked for how long…a few mins…days…missed the vote?

[edit] if it happens to you just VPN from another location. This bunny services is too stupid to do any kind of real browser/user ident.

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I was also just wondering if this is a fair vote at all? It’s weighted by wallet size, right? I don’t have the stats, but perhaps the numbers should be checked. Imagine if enough tokens were bought by “bad actors” at the bottom, waiting to benefit from buyback, then that weight might significantly influence the outcome of the vote. Perhaps we need a separate vote only for holders prior to recent events unfolding, for comparison? If there’s a huge difference, the vote might need revision… but perhaps the numbers are insignificant, I don’t know, just saying it might need checking?

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And now the vote on this proposal is being manipulated by whales. Or maybe this was the play all along. Small frogs without much TIME to vote with are being out voted by whales that bought in days ago at discount and now stand to 2x their money. I had held out hope that this could be saved but I think we are screwed, especially us small frogs. I can’t believe Dani would allow his rep to be trashed this way but maybe he is not the guy we believed him to be.

I guess if it were one vote per token holder then you’d see an explosion of new wallets holding a little bit of time to count as one vote…therefore also easy to manipulate?
But yeah, I see what you’re saying.

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Data doesnt’ lie!
Sounds not decentral if voting power depends on the amount of wmemo. Don’t let this great project end like this. Whales decide this voting!
Change voting system! The voices of small frogs should count too. Balance democracy and decentralization. Some bought much wMEmo yesterday, small frogs held a smaller amount since september. THIS should count. Only then the Voting Data gives us the real opinion of the community. FUCK THE WHALES


Taking snapshot at the time you specify is unacceptable. Whales who dumped whole thing already started reacummulating and will not only take advantage of all of us once but twice, once they get big slice of treasury. Also this enables chancers who pick up the ashes of wMEMO after all this collapse to get an access to funds which we were building for so long. This proposal needs to be rejected, and rethought again. Snapshot must be dated before all news of shifu arrived.


If I staked Time/Memo when the price was around 7k USD, and I never wrapped my memo. What should I do?

At this point sensible people who didn’t leverage one of the worlds riskiest assets are down massively why should anyone repay your stupid decisions stop begging for free money you have no case. I would leave the project for this alone.

It’s called arbitrage and it’s actually needed. If nobody buys the price goes to 0 And people would cry even more.
What is preventing you to buy below backing?

too little cash for too many dips :slight_smile:

only 3 major wallets on time represent the Majority of the time voting to wind down the treasury. This is not a vote, but a fraudhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKQnBvdXsAIiJMM?format=jpg&name=large