[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

Only 3 Major Walletds on TIME represent the Majority of this vote! FuckTheWhales! Don’t let it end like this. Implement a quadratic Voting or something more decentral as it is now. The Small frogs holding since September should count too!


If I understand correctly, new purchasers cannot vote? Is it only the holders at the date of a snapshot that can vote? Or anyone who holds at the time of snapshot??

That would be sensible. Although I’ve given up assuming anything sensible now. :rofl:

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well, you’ll need to have your wMEMO to swap…

It said we will claim at the backing prices, the one thing difference is that when you sell you wi get MIM but this you will part of the treasury which comprise of a lot of asset such as Avax, MIM, ETH and other

Can we cancel this vote based on TIME power and instead use a quadratic vote? Dani was in favor of quadratic.


Yes quadratic vote is better for this kind of decision…

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and what if you bought it?

Lets not jump into the decision phase yet…who need to be in the driver seat and CEO…CFO…etc…etc…

Right now we need to vote down the WIND UP proposal…Freeze the treasury…nothing goes out…no buybacks…no new investments…just for a month…calmness and clear heads will prevail as well all will take the best way out…this stampede is not a time to take this decision…

VOTE NO…mobile NO’s…shoot this proposal down


Hey Patze…what has changed in last 1 month…Just the SIFUGATE…if that get replaced, rest all things remain same…So if I was bullish last month, i am still bullish now…all the talk about loss of trust and blah blah…are BS…corporates will have some episodes of scandal…that does not mean that shut down the company and refund all stakeholders with the money in bank


Which of the team members are enforcing the wind down??

Real impartiality in here you damm cucks


dissolving the treasury is the worst possible scenario. very hard to consider the snapshot moment and each single case of the hodler / dip buyer/… The only chance to see some profit is to use the treasure as intended… Seems like 30% of the investors would like to go on… thats still some good economic power. Would be nice to give the option to exit for the ones that dont believe this anymoreand let the others in.


Quadratic voting can also be manipulated. Whales can create tons of addresses. I think the solution is to take snapshot of addresses before the turmoil.

To me it’s like kind of revolution to fight for the true value and kick the whale out.


Creating new wallets would not influence this since the snapshot was taken 17 h ago.

Hi Evies, you are right on most point but I disagree re running the project. The treasury can be restructured and reap good returns via nodes, yield farms and VC. Dani, has done a great job so far but letting one mistake (Sifu) drive his emotions to the point of wanting out, a big mistake. Most successful businesses can manage their emotions in a mature way. We are all on a journey.

When look at the treasury, I can’t see anything too complex and as far as I can make out the next part of the treasury journey is validating nodes, get involved in the infrastructure. Atlas Cloud, Comb Financial are making good headway here. Wonderland gives the opportunity for those who want to be part of this but don’t have the time for it. What Wonderland was designed for in the first instance.

However, if we just take our losses then what a waste.

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there is no such thing as unfair liquidation.
if you take leverage, the risk you take is liquidation. stocks and closed end funds can also trade below NAV, this is nothing new.
It is very painful i know, but it is true. problem is that it was communicated wrong and that was a big mistake, but feeding greedy investors.

TIME to go whaling. Vote no.

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Why would you want to liquidate now and disperse the treasury during a bear run? This voting bull shit is ridiculous. Grab your project by the balls and pull it out Of the shitter. No actual crime has taken place. A felon was employed, now he’s removed. Get a damn replacement and pull this project forward. It’s a set back but not a throw in the towel situation. Fix the liquidation event if you want, but at the same time, they shouldn’t have over leveraged


Just wondering because I have no idea, I tried this project after so many videos I saw on youtube and reading a lot of information… I invested 1000 AUD which is around 800 USD… so far my wMEMO value is around 275 USD… IF we get a refund, will it be the amount I invested or with the current value?

I tried to sell when I saw my wMEMO losing value and there was no liquidity in sushi

Thanks, I appreciate the information

If you haven’t voted here is the link.

