Reentering will cost more that exiting.
I don’t understand why we push a no to dissolution of wonderland and we get back the same vote as “rage quit” option. This is a stupid waste of treasury that could be invested.
I know that fren, knew that before prof did a full article on it. Used their OP on WL to DCA myself… But Dani have said on discord that leveraging wMEMO is definitely over so they will not be able to do that again… No more liquidation cascade.
Sifu was not buying back exactly at backing price so there was not so much arbitrage to do, without leveraging it will be different. Price also stop dropping and even go up because whales and arbitrage trader are waiting for exiting their liquidity via RQ…
Try to look at DAni and prof dialog history and you will see that they were agreeing that buyback is better than RG…
I don’t know if Dani expect that no wins or if he just let those guys get their piece of the treasury… I suspect some of those “whales” or smart money as you said could be team members from WL/Abra … Maybe I am paranoid but it would make sense… Anyway I don’t care if they succeed if WL get back on track and delivers
THIS! I was happy to hear Dani talking about considering each specific case for the rage quit, since I’ve lost over 100k and been holding for a long while now (I’m actually f*cked considering to hang myself in a tree), even with everything that has happened. I’m aware I’ll never be whole again, but I’d appreciate if I were not judged by the same criteria as people who have invested way less and/or have been holding for a way shorter period of time. @Dani please show us that you’re in charge here. Tired of hearing you say something and the actual plan looking totally different from what you said (hope that’s his account btw)
well, investing is a gamble, if you gambled too much, there is only you to blame. The lesser investors that you talk about, probably didn’t gamble more than they could afford to lose. The whole DAO was designed for long term gains, if you invested to much, expecting short term gains, your fault. Do not blame us, because we believed, hold the tokens longer
Lay out a plan and execute the Rage Quit option to allow wMEMO holders exit the DAO at a value that is close to treasury backing.
Why would we accept a price close to treasury backing after Sifu and Dani missed the proper buy back and helped to crash the price and dump the backing price?
Seriously you guys are a complete joke! The wMEMO price should be considered 1 Month before the Sifu news, as Dani himself said he knew it for 1 month. The price was crashing way before Sifu due to dani and sifu not delivering on promises and both got liquidated for millions and pushed our value down and now we should accept the current backing price which got devalued by the founders while they got their millions out at a fair value?
You are seriously screwing us all over again, as the rage quit on backing price is by far nowhere near fair value after what you all did to us.
If you would have a spine you would offer a fair value to all TIME/wMEMO holders who held their tokens since months.
What a disgrace. We need the rage quit as it just needs to be done, but it needs to happen at fair value and not the damaged backing price which got rekt by dani and sifu!
Edited your post to make it more “PC”. Your point is delivered without potentially making it worse for them.
agreed, ty for that, it does make it more PC and still gets the point across, but i still agree with the original post
Oh really? It must have said you could exit at the backing price then. What is the WIP for?
We need to move on, if the rage quit option is easy to implement then go for it, if not let’s not waste time and resources, people who want to leave can leave.
I would vote yes, only if the Rage Quite buy back wMemo was Burnt
No sht, Sherlock! Oh how I love these ‘experienced investors’ with their cliche quotes like “never invest what you can’t afford to lose”. I’m not blaming anyone FFS. Just saying each case should be treated independently rather than taking a one size fits all approach. Now go check the rebase over your 800 USD investment and continue preaching about how people should have known better before jumping into DAOs, like if you had foreseen this whole shtstorm coming and the price dropping 90%
Edited your post to remove the insult, but also please try to remain on the topic of this WIP.
@Andygray1963 I’m sure you would like to respond. Please don’t unless your reply will be relevant to the Rage Quit proposal.
Actually you have to stop calling people selfish. This proposal is not quite fair and many people know it.
I’m sure many of us here will be ok with this rage quit if only holders before sifuGate can rage quit. Any holders who bought WMEMO below 30K should just sell without getting a confirmed profit during rage quit event. Now that’s fair, if only.
And how did you come out to this conclusion? Please state facts only. Don’t speculate.
Rage Quit will be a sign of goodwill from management, otherwise, we all look like see-fools, and management as premeditated fools. For the future of Dani and the second chance for Wonderland - Rage Quit is a proper PR move. The logistics of preventing whale scams - is a test for smart leadership. If this will be done properly all the crypto world will save its face. DeFi is not ScamFi. Right? How can we prove it? Voting NO on Rage Quit is NOT a wise move for strategic reasons. Wonderland can not go in history as a joke.
I was Timed Out from the wonderland discord for speaking against Rage Quit. What a joke. This is not a DAO
And now Sifu is in there hyping up a Spell merger. Nobody is protesting probably because the restricted anybody with different opinions.
What a joke.
The whole goal is for Dani to buy Wonderland’s treasury at a discount. These guys are like crooks
No thanks, keep following prof.
according to calculations the wmemo backing should be above 50k. lets see how they fake calculate this now to get backing price down and sack the difference into their own pockets. dani himself said backing should be around 50k and assets havent moved much since then. if its below 45k then you can be sure that the team is scamming.
and if they calculate it without burning danis wmemo before, as he said he will do that, is pretty much scamming as well.