[WIP #5] – Offer a Rage Quit Option to wMEMO holders

Why do frog sacrifice for whale who joined the party after sifugate and after Wind down Proposal was announced, I am ok if long term holders are benefiting but not for people who took an advantage of the situation and get a risk free rewards.


So there are these things basically
1- if you bough 10k when the price was 9k now you will be given back your initial investment of 10k?
2- a lot of holders are still holding TIME. Do they need to wrap their time in order to be eligible for the “rage quit” option? It was not clear from the thread and i think it’s important to clarify for the people that are still holding time.
3- when will this be implemented if the vote decides in its favour of the rage quit.

Regards and stay healthy,

Yes. Let us do the snapshot voting.

wen snapshot? 20 characters.

there is no sacrifice it is beneficial for everyone, frogs don’t lose out

This will be voted NO!
NO vote won by far We don’t want to cripple the treasury if they want out just sell.

my point is that with the ragequit they will sell at backing price + trasurey percentage making a profit, and then buy back in getting more tokens because the price is lower than backing. so they are taking advantage of getting paid more for less and then buying back in at a cheaper price.

  1. no. you will get your share of the trasurey in regards to your wmemo at backing price i think. if it was like you say then everyone would rage quit. we are all 90% down.

Wrong 180% down we been through a big dip now I would rather say around 200% down as they taking 50%of treasury and paying at the backing price will add 10%
The No vote won let’s vote No this time too if this madness does to snapshot

I feel for you and I’m in the same situation. It needs to be stipulated that only holders before the Sifu news hit the press are eligible. That should stop all of the crazy comments here, about Whales, etc.

@Dani, make good to us now!


YES. The Sifu news hit the press on January 27. So as to accommodate all time zones, only those investors who held on or before January 26 should be eligible for this!

Correction on my part. This should be changed to January 25, as there was a massive dump on January 26.


so when does this go to snapshot? easiest yes of my life
this is beneficial to all holders, including those that won’t rage quit

I think project-own tokens are not used to calculate backing

Being a long term holder within Wonderland has always been my intent. When the crypto market was up & before the attack on Sifu, I made returns on my investment. I truly believe that Dani and Sifu started this project to benefit others. Moving forward I feel like wonderland will do this for everyone who truly wants to be here.

That’s why I will vote yes to rage quit, and not I’m not signing up for redemption. I’m here for the long term, and for I’m here the community. :blush:


You are not a tree, you can go. Just sell already.

I’ll be voting no, if you want to rage quit just sell why should we use the treasury to just bail people out. Either you stay or if you want an out then just sell. When is the actual vote taking place? I don’t see a snapshot link.

That’s not true, there is no breach because its optional, not forced.

Just carry on dreaming!

That would be for me the only reason to vote yes. I will decide what I think is best, once I see the criteria of the snapshot. Too vague now, to make a decision.
But I hope that the community will refuse the RQ when the snapshot will be after Sifu gate. If is before, I am in for the yes.

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@AliceInWonderland is a Wonderfull moderator and I 100% deserved getting banned on Discord and should also be banned on the forum because I am disrespectful.