[WIP #6] - Wonderland Moderator Compensation
Scope: Propose a compensation plan for the selected moderators and outline additional responsibilities.
Link to previous [DAO Discussion]:
[DAO Discussion] - Wonderland Moderator Compensation
Link to previous [RFC]:
[RFC] - Wonderland Moderator Compensation
Link to Snapshot:
[WIP #6] - Wonderland Moderator Compensation
Objective: The objective of this proposal is to outline expectations, provide reasonable compensation to selected members of the moderation team and give them the tools and resources necessary to manage Wonderland’s community. The team is available 24/7 to provide support, education, community engagement and member management. A direct line of communication with the core team is requested, along with increased authorization to make changes to the server, including post announcements and relay information. This will improve communication flow to members going forward. This proposal is based on recommendations from the community at large and Daniele.
High Level Overview:
Moderators provide important services on Discord and the forum now, but it is clear that members have been dissatisfied with communications and stalled proposals for the last few months.
This proposal aims to address these issues via establishing a channel between the core team and the moderators. The moderator team will deliver weekly updates in #announcements on Discord, a pinned message in the forums, with periodic major updates on Medium.
In return for current and new responsibilities, compensation will be distributed to the Senior Moderator for team allocation. This role has discretion to adjust pay based on performance.
Provide Low Level Details:
Staff Selection:
The team members were selected from the highest role for their contributions. That list was narrowed further based on activity, helpfulness and professionalism.
All nominated parties have been with Wonderland through good and bad times while many other high ranking members went dark or quit, including the previous paid moderator team that abandoned the project.
Appoint @AliceInWonderland as Senior Moderator. This position includes the extra duties of managing and paying for server bots, communicating with the core team regularly and during any emergencies, and distributing compensation to other moderators. This role will include monitoring moderator work to maintain accountability.
The RFC contains a recent breakdown of the number of messages each team member has sent on the Wonderland Discord since each joined the server.
The number of Discord messages does not fully reflect on a person’s individual effort or time spent helping the community.
Countless DMs with one on one support, side contributions, and forum moderation are not included.
Moderators have different responsibilities to ensure the Discord and forum are operating correctly. These include technical support, education, community engagement, member management and forum maintenance. These duties are necessary for protocol health and longevity. Compensated moderators are expected to be active. Their contributions will be evaluated by the Senior Moderator who will provide accountability.
Daniele currently provides all communication of business plans, protocol status and development work when able. Gaps in information dissemination have appeared due to his busy schedule working on multiple projects, developing strategy, managing the treasury, and interviewing applicants among other things. The team want to alleviate some of this pressure by being the source of protocol communications as needed.
Authorization is requested to:
- Post announcements
- Hold AMAs
- Create a holder only channel
- Move proposals through governance when applicable
- Make reasonable changes or updates to the server as needed
- Organize the forum
The General Discussion includes a short description of some of the responsibilities mentioned.
After considering all feedback received during the previous stages of the governance process, the following compensation is proposed:
A lump sum payment of 25 000 MIM monthly to be distributed to the whole team by the Senior Moderator.
Initial distribution will result in 3 000 MIM per moderator and 4 000 MIM for the Senior moderator for the month.
The initial proposal suggested compensation entirely in MIM to ensure no wMEMO needed to be sold to cover life expenses. Some members of the community proposed to have part of the compensation in wMEMO to incentivize protocol success. The RFC was written to reflect that change.
Discussion in the RFC stage presented concerns about wMEMO compensation should the price greatly appreciate.
It is believed that the initial compensation structure is the best option for this reason. The Senior Moderator will hold the team accountable via periodic review.
The presented compensation plan can be reviewed at any time by the DAO if the terms are no longer favorable.
Business and/or technical requirements of the implementation of the proposal:
Implementing this proposal requires:
- Publication of the team wallet address used to deploy moderator compensation.
- Implementation of regular dialogue between the Senior Moderator and a member of the core team to ensure information flow.
- A direct line of communication with a member of the core team in case of emergency.
- Access for the Senior Moderator to Wonderland social media platforms to ensure information can be communicated in conjunction with Discord.
- Increased permission level in Discord for the team to add/delete channels and make announcements.
- Moderator access to the forum for the team.
- Admin access for @AliceInWonderland and @NalX to organize the forum.
Changes can be made to this framework at any time through governance.