[WIP #7] - TheSkyhopper+Bastion Treasury Management

This is a chance for smarter people to take advantage from not that smart people. 10% is way too high / i’ll be ok for like 5-6% for now and maybe 10% when the results are showing up! up off the bat 10% is pure craziness. anyway, im still convince that frognation is not getting any stronger, but more and more weaker.


like isthatlowfat says, you can became a manager of millions dollars, you have to define “profit”!

After all the mess that has been made I wouldn’t want this to be just another attempt to steal money from the treasury


What is Bastion’s current AUM figure?




literally the ONLY thing we’re paying for and getting done is MODERATION, and if there was any moderation here, then there’d be at least some sort of structure to prevent forcing a 51% snapshot vote and declaring yourself the new TM.

what is going on here guys?

do we just make a post to introduce ourselves, and force a 51% snapshot vote now?? is that really what we’re doing here?

:frog: :frog: :frog:even the RFC VOTING SHOWS ONLY 68% SUPPORT:frog: :frog: :frog:

edit: the RFC post is dated January 30 :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: isn’t that likee ummm even before the rage quit execution?? dude if this is the state of crypto decision-making now idk mann
I mean it’s a $500mm treasury…

Was this whole thing really a rug, guys?
Come on be honest
was it

The proposal was created during the wind up period and voting was closed for a long time. It was only reopened recently. That said, 68% would still be a majority and more than two thirds, which are normal metrics for multiple type of voting.

Keep in mind that a lot of holder don’t engage in the forum and only engage on snapshot.

The team put on ice most proposals pre-rage quit as they believed nothing should be voted before that was completed. This would explain why it took so long to vote on. Since then, Dani has expressed his support for this proposal.

Of note, the treasury is under 300 million and I won’t feed the rug comments.

I only insist on repeatedly emphasizing the fact that
the current over-simplicity of the decision-making structure here
not being on par with
basically one of the biggest AVAX tokens out there among maybe millions of them;
and we’re here about to delegate all financial use of the $200-300mm treasury
to people
whose only selection criteria
is that they only made it through this over-simple decision-making structure,
and done basically nothing else.
Not a very high level of competition, selection, rigor whatever.

What I end up instigating is a tongue-in-cheek troll label from a fren who happens to tirelessly occupy the very first functional unit that the Wonderland DAO proudly ever established.

What I see here is that the structure right now only ends up allowing those who are already too poor and inexperienced to manage the Wonderland treasury to put themselves forward & suggest themselves as the new TM, all callers of trade and investment actions.

We’re basically using the same government/decision-making structure with telegram microcaps.
To replace the Netflix guy.

I simply don’t think it’s appropriate for, I repeat, basically one of the biggest AVAX tokens out there. It even has a liquid treasury!

Last I checked, unless it is the case that crypto overall or the Avax ecosystem collapses altogether, wMEMO is the sole currency that relies on the liquid & illiquid treasury locked in here, and in any case, it’s one of the highest values out there. It is ridiculously funny to me that the $600mm mcap with a market of <$3k eth is something to play down.

I’m not saying Bastion people or some whomver are bad intentioned. That would be something different. 68% RFC here to 51% Snapshot vote is too smooth a path for the job. Are you feeling long term bear on eth, avax, and crypto markets overall because this is one of the biggest coins out there even without doing anything at all?

It might all just too easily become Snowdog DAO at once. People will be front-ran or something like that. Isn’t that what happens when your selection/decision-making process is at the same level of development as telegram microcap pumps, and you use this very process to delegate full control of $200-300mm assets with $600mm mcap in AVAX with a <$3k/eth market…

come on, if you are going to be paranoid every single time wonderland has a proposal from now on, then nothing will move forward. First of all, Bastion will not have full control over the treasury. They will have only 1 of the multi sig account, 1. Second of all, they have put up their portfolio, linkedin, bla2, what else do you need. It’s a 3 month deal. Worst comes to worst, they failed and we have to find another TM. And you still asking about rug pull? do you even know what a rug pull is? do you think a rug pull is worth to be implemented over a 7-8 months time? Read a bit more please.

Also, read their proposal. Or maybe let me summarize them for you. They gonna proposed strategies to make money, Dani and team will OKed it if they want to, they be one of the multi-sig signatory and together they will execute one by one. They only take 5% IF wonderland make money, they wont take any for month that has loss and they have to renew their “license” as TM after 3 months. If you are too concern about a all performing TM out of the bat, then why dont you suggest yourself as TM, show your portfolio, dox yourself, bla3x. geez.


The rug comment was obviously a joke, come on
at least that

full control = calling investment actions, not multisig

why would you say that about the other threads, I was actually very supportive of the mods WIP…

will not be TM, I’m just a person…

What I’m trying to understand is: Are we literally just hiring accounting here? Is that the whole deal? Are we going all reserve currency here then? How do everybody feel about the whole putting your funds to other uses than financial circulation, for example gaming, and alice related shit etc… I get the feeling we’re going all reserve currency mode here with this sort of a hire & don’t want that to happen only because we’re not making a distinction between accounting work & investment action.

We had the Netflix guy dudde come on, the former TM position was both accounting & investment action, because that was the structure with Patryn there or whoever, and then since we ended up kicking the guy out, I’m not sure if you can even go out and “hire” a person for the “same” position. Since the path to pass a law here right now is too smooth and easy, it’s about to get quickly passed without much thought is my opinion. Perhaps you cannot even refill the Netflix guy’s position with a hire.

You didn’t need to aggressively list some facts I already read above. I never had anything with the specific proposal. It just sounds like accounting + some CTO work also added in.

it’s never gonna pump if we don’t do anything else with it, am i wrong?

Dani will still be looking at investment deals like BSGG and/or CTA.

SkyHopper’s role will be to farm/trade a portion of the assets so we can keep making money inbetween deals and not just sitting on the treasury. There also wasn’t a line up of candidate that showed up and “stuck” around.

I don’t believe anyone wants to go the reserve currency route.

As for your comments on lack of structure, you are not wrong and we can definitly do better. Maybe we should have done it before, this vote, but we can still do it after. That being said, it is a bigger convo for another time.

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I don’t know what it will be… but I hope you know what you are doing, after all that has happened (sifu gate).

I just know there are 65million from wales, investor and little investors staked and are properly the little investor who hope that the treasury will manage correctly.

do not repeat the same mistakes. I also hope that with the 3000 dollars a month (I repeat 3000 dollars a month to make the mods !!!) the protocol will be managed better

lfg baby! been a long time coming for something like this.

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I had some reservations originally about backing the proposal, at a 10% monthly unconditional rate, but I see now SkyHopper is prepared to listen to the community, take feedback and respond, in the better interests of the DAO. By halving the proposal to 5%, i am now more comfortable to support his bid.

I believe that gesture of faith indicates a determination to prove his professional competency during the trial period, at which point terms of appointment can be re-assessed ,if the community vote for his continuity in the position.

Setting a good precedent at this early stage.

That, plus he has doxxed himself. Which really improves my confidence in his authenticity and sincerity, given the risks.

My initial preference would have been for some kind of conditional terms, to set a base/benchmark below which no fees are claimable. That is, a performance based incentive to outperform the otherwise unmanaged treasury funds, which already make a return on investments.

However, I believe the cut to 5% is a well considered realistic counter-offer, for a position of such large responsibility and accountability. Hard to labour for free with any sustained dedication, after all.

Side note - efficiency of Governance decision making process needs an overhaul. Agility is necessary to catch early opportunities. Streamline and prioritise.


Since dani has shown his approval we should appoint him asap and since he listen to the community and lowered his fees I dont think there is much debate left

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i agree with you he deserv 3 months trial :smiley:

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I totally support this proposal. I will vote YES. We are leaving money on the table by delaying. Lets vote!


Even at 5% - let’s say Bastion makes $10mil in revenues (only a 4% return on $250mil of deployable treasury, so very reasonable achievement), his team will collect $500,000 in monthly salary. Even 5% is VERY VERY good pay. If we stick with 5%, I agree with those mentioning that Bastion needs to be working off of clear benchmarks, HWMs and only getting paid above a certain return.


It’s TIME to vote. Get the Snapshot up.


Opportunity cost here for delay is massive. Let’s get a move on and start voting already.


I agree, time to vote.