Proposal - Bastion Trading / TheSkyhopper to manage or advise on Wonderland Treasury

No suits got us here. We need professionals.

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In theory, this is a great idea and the correct way to move things forward. Wonderland with the right team can go far. Dani is a great visionary and what has been achieved so far is great. Clearly he has allowed personal opinion overcome rational thinking, the Sifu fiasco. This shouldn’t define Dani.

A good management company for the treasury is a good idea, with the correct protective measures and the right reward structure, it is a no brainer.

I believe Dani would benefit from a Non Exec type person to help him as a sounding board. Anybody with so much pressure needs a sounding board, it’s more about ensuring all decisions have been thoroughly thought through. Not to give advice but make sure all the right questions are asked before decisions are made. This is a role so often ignored. Kind of helping create a SWAT analysis.

I should also mention, a proof reader. Make sure, if documents are being written in English, they make grammatical sense. Call me old school, but people can be very judgemental on detail.

Just my cents worth


Would like to see a concrete proposal with action points. How would you turn around the treasury management as you claim? What is your plan to do so? What is your track record? What is the treasury size you’re managing at the moment? That’s just a poorly written proposal and a bad indication of your future communication style. We had enough with unqualified individuals willing to jump on our $1B treasury. I think we need to take it slow and not jump on the first proposal that we get. Would advise you to work on improving this proposal and provide proof of said previous experience and we can reconsider.

  1. Remove Sifu, Michael, Omar or what we should call him from his post. Since he hasn´t done anything illegal and has managed the treasury during the time he did, I think it´s fair he receives some form of reasonable compensation for his time. Then completely out since we need to restore trust amongst people.

  2. There´s already changes in the pipeline, let them play out instead of changing direction now. Focus on the merger proposal and try to improve that before we vote. Price will recover if people see the roadmap play out as already planned. This was a temporary crisis I believe and if we steer away from what´s already been planned I think we will lose even more trust.

  3. This is a obvious statement. However I don´t believe we need to rush this matter. I say, let someone else from the team step up as treasury manager in the meantime while we allow people to apply for this job as one would do with any other job, then we would get a good amount of people applying for the position which we then can decide who we want as manager.


Finally some solution this madness. Time to dust off , Rebuild and restart the engine



Don’t understand why Dani give you visibility, you don’t seems like a frog. What a shame Dani seems to repeat the error of the past.

for me :
The ideal candidate need to come with solution for the token
He need to propose mechanism to protect every frog against price manipulation
He need to have a vision to where the project will go

In conclusion you need to understand that right now the most problematic is not the treasuries !!!

You come here and speak only about your metric and how good you will be to manageme our fund !!
You seems really opportunist we want someone that defend everyone and not himself and get paid he our money.

We need a master of coin and not a trader I hope every frog understand that.


Need more info and several options to pick before making this decision.

Moreover we need a proper roadmap for the project


totally agree the most important right now is

  • the direction \ vision
  • the trust

We don’t need a trader right now we need a leader that take action


Who exactly do you think has experience with managing accounts worth hundreds of millions to billions of dollars? Very few individuals with the right expertise would want to jump aboard a sinking ship at a risk to their own reputation. Unfortunately, it’s going to probably take a team of suits to salvage this and make us profitable again, and if it takes retired suits so be it. I’d rather we have someone who has experience than someone just trying to wing it.


Roadmap is the key.
Dani and the team need to do something about it.
The money is still there the hope too

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dont know if it has been mentioned but his name is masahide hoshi. a japanese yale grad thats worked for japanese and singaporean banks as well as jp morgan chase.
maybe he should add that to his proposal.


agree so bad dani repost this post …
I would probably be better for the position even if I don’t have successful trading record to show .
Any one understand that right now the problems is not the treasuries. The main problems is the lack of vision (road map) the lack of trust.
Dani or member of the team I don’t want the role but if you need help to finish this crisis I am here.
I have vision I have solution, I don’t ask for fee !!

Masa and Bastion team,

Please describe immediate steps you would take to address fundamental vulnerabilities in the Wonderland tokenomics model causing the acute wMEMO price diminution (prior to the Sifu bombshell)?


What are your connections in the defi space specifically? What can you bring to the table aside from fund management?

I like the proposal since it’s a good start but expand on it if you could. Can you join projects that aren’t public yet? Experience with NFT’s? Experience with all fields of crypto including metaverse?

We don’t need just a fund manager. We need people that can blast this project through every corner of crypto space. If you can do all that, welcome aboard.


as someone responsible for options and derivates at big banks in multiple different countries he is likely used to much, much larger investment sums than wonderlands treasury.

I think we need a short term and long term management strategy here. I think For the short term any decision to get sifu out and someone who fits the bill well enough for the immediate future is our best strategy. We cant really go through weeks of finding and vetting people. Get someone in quickly like skyhopper to steady the ship…then look to go through a proper vetting process over the coming weeks to months for a longer term management team.

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How will you manage our treasury??? What is short and long term plan?

Bastion Trading / Skyhopper: Do you have any connections to Bitfinex / Tether?

How about Bitconnect, Quadriga or any other shady/embarrassing/questionable projects?

Thank you.


There should be a competition to become the treasurer of Wonderland. We can afford to have a top guy, not some chancer who made a few bucks for himself.

Lets have public interviews on podcasts of these guys, and some time for the same people who exposed Sifu to go into their background.

I want to see what crypto commentators say about the candidates.

100% Doxed, like this guy is, is essential for the WHOLE TEAM.


can afford to have a top guy is a slight stretch though. for most top level investment banker / fund manager this not even 1B fund is basically peanuts