Proposal - Bastion Trading / TheSkyhopper to manage or advise on Wonderland Treasury

This is what this guy tweeted:




Jan 27

If you’re worried about projects having supposed ex-scammers, ruggers, VCs, or lets say Tether truthers you fear are right: Get out of crypto and go invest into Investment Grade Corporate Bond Portfolios with your Chuck Shwab broker."

That is a casual attitude for someone coming in to replace a career criminal.


lol all we are doing is going down, i hope your right, im still in as well

I can’t help but feel that the real substance of the current issue is being missed; the issue now is branding, everything associated with Wonderland has lost a great deal of value, TIME, MEMO, wMEMO, even MIM (as I read Twitter). Wonderland has lost credibility and more importantly trust, does anyone really think that an external team providing a new plan for Wonderland will bring back everyone that has sold? - it won’t happen; the trust has gone.

For Wonderland to continue, the first small steps are critical if Wonderland is to survive, this MUST begin with offering those who are ‘hanging’ on (for whatever reason) incentive to stay, clearly this looks like a financial incentive. But to build the Wonderland brand and treasury back up there must be a rebranding or complete change.

The business model and Wonderland name, are pretty untouchable today, no matter the vision. I hope it continues, but this proposal will not keep everyone and will certainly not bring the majority back.

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We trade a ton on Bitfinex, we know the team there (thus you can more than imply thats Tether too).

Bitconnect: no (no no no no?).
Quadriga: never even got a account opened (thank fking God eh?)

Personally, I did work at JP Morgan, UBS, and did a summer internship at Goldman in my past life. In today’s light, that’s questionable isn’t it… in my defense that all happened before Satoshi came along.


I agree with this preliminary proposal. The Wonderland ship does not need to sink.

I don’t have governance control obviously.

I suspect that reverse bonding is absolutely necessary and a good market mechanism to reverse this aberration in the market price / backing value relationship.

Yes but I hope we can get an audit too. Get a pr team to resell the project. Thanks for your help. I feel Dani was trying to be a good friend but he have to remember friendship and business do not mix.

People who’re still in are in a huge pain/loss. I think anything that gives hope will have a green light from the community

you might want to add your real name to the proposal as people find it suspect having to find it themselves. ありがとうございます。

This would be a perfect start in a new direction. The potential of Wonderland hasn’t change.

This could be good but how about also still allowing for the rage quit option for those who want to sell at backing and be done with it?

Nice idea. This company, the team, the partners, the website don’t resonate. I am still doing my due diligence.

I’d like to these findings so far so we can all due diligence and help each other grow this. Have a squeeze folks cos this is your chance to be involved.

I cannot find Bastion Trading Borrowing in their provided link above Maple Finance

Interest rates for Bastion Trading bore me

Associated partners

Pokket interest rates bore me

Executium still checking out not feeling it tho…

Bastions Fund Investments

I cannot find any real reviews testimonials of happy Bastion Trade customers yet.

The reason I’m bored with above rates is cos I found online Midas Investments who currently deliver their very happy customers the highest interest rates returns I’ve seen. Their CEO Trevor delivers interviews on YouTube - Midas Investments. They have many happy customers. New provider must deliver similar or better.

I’d love for others to due diligence and share your findings.

I’m still combing through…please DYOR.

Side note, this could be a distraction from more important things that is we re-establish solid ground internally first.


We should have an live AMA with any candidate who wants to become the new treasury manager.

TheSkyHopper, thanks for your proposal, it sounds good to me. But I totally agree with Lee77, I think we should return funds to investors in time and allow Dani to take the learning from what’s happened to build something better, if he still has the will!

Then the process of launching and attracting new/original investors back has to begin again under the premise of the next iteration of collective investment with a clear, congruent structure that demonstrates the learning has been applied.


If we vote against this proposal we have failed as a DAO.

After all the last few days, I am leaning towards this. Lets regroup. Give space for things to settle and make more grounded decisions. Have conversation. Be sensible. These things require time for digestion.


Finally. Some PRODUCTIVE perspectives and strategies/steps that can definitely move the price time higher and without killing the APY or killing the entire project…


YES! Let’s rebuild and keep moving forward. The future rewards the brave, who knows where can we be in 1-2 years from now. HODL

This might also work, I agree. Thing is, the treasury isn’t enough to restore fully all the purchases.

Wonderland Branding for me is still good the vibration is still there. Just about many others DAOs are going through similar various growing pains. Lets be sensible not reactive panic FUD. Dani and we can evaluate everything provided so far. The AMAs, do proper research for each person so we fundamentally have some grasp of the specifics of the project to ground what is the vision mission trials errors. Dani has time to make things better inside first before making an outside move.

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