Proposal - Bastion Trading / TheSkyhopper to manage or advise on Wonderland Treasury

So…Bitfinex huh? No thanks.

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Thanks for the proposal but Wonderland has been run and managed by a convicted criminal… this has to end and everyone should be given their investments back. I don’t trust Dani anymore and if anyone is a little decent knows that the project has a bad name, and is now done and dusted. Dani has to stop playing the victim here because he was in on all this way before… and some of you guys are falling for his victim-like behavior… get a grip it’s your future and your money he’s messing around with.

My VOTE goes to Dissolve the project, repay everyone with the treasury…


you wont get your investment back. you will get back the backing value if you dissolve which locks in an easy 50 - 80% loss depending on when you joined. getting this back on track with some proper doxxed leadership will easily get you your full money back and add some nice bonus to it.


Thank you for the quick response.

How familiar are you with the recent “sleepy-time whale attacks” that have damaged this project? I am very eager to see what suggestions a new treasury manager will make for how we prevent losses like that.

You may already be aware, but the community has repeatedly requested a range of measure to include preventing wMemo borrowing and looping, instituting sell taxes, demanding staking locks, variable or delayed rebase gains, and many combinations and iterations of that sort. What are your opinions on these tools or strategies?

I would love to hear any other specific goals and ideas you have to turn this ship around.


So a suit with a bag of VC type “solutions” :smirk:

True, but I think we all have to accept at this stage that we are going to incur a loss. Personally, I’d prefer to get my share of capital back to deploy elsewhere and allow something new to incubate without the stress of trying to manage a sizeable treasury and keep investors happy at the same time.

Just sounds like more of the same to me, rehash, regroup and march forward… In the short term and maybe long term this will do nothing to regain trust; “Trust me, i’ll do it better this time…”

From where I have been sitting ALL the FUD and panic have come from within.

With such amount of money we need a highly professional team to run the treasury with a high level of accountability.

This proposal seems good however:

  • The whole team need to be doxxed.
  • I don’t really like the connection if any with Bitfinex (Italian mafia music keeps playing in my head smh)
  • Daniele should probably step down for a while, he needs it and we need too.

The community has created a VC fund so it needs to be managed at a VC fund level, Frogs is for the meme.

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Added Management is an interesting angle that should be entertained. But just that.

To go this route, Wonderland needs to lead it : SWOT analysis of current structure, then formalize role and functions, the desired talents and experience of any future team. Decide on appropriate comp structure, vesting, break points etc.
Then issue a Request for Proposal

I would personally like to see a successful track record, not of crypto trading as the priority, but of building, crypto relationships, leadership, growing teams (financial and tech) and disciplined communications and implementing comms structure.

Lets determine what we need (skills gap) and what we want, and go from there, not get in to bed with the first guy who offers us a drink.

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I totally agree with you and think we can give them a contract length of 1 year as a start to see what they are capable of doing .Also at all time the multisign should have Dani on it as i still believe is his project and i trust what he goes for

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I totally agree with this proposal :slight_smile: Dani let’s bring us back up there !

It will ‘potentially’ get the full investment back, but will take a lot of time to do properly. It still makes more sense to me to return the treasury to investors and allow a new team/product to emerge independently of what has/is happening here. The current project is not what any of us originally invested in and we should be given the opportunity to assess a new structure/project based on it’s merits alone.

perfect news <3, i’m super bullish

That Sifu should be extricated from Wonderland entirely is not a debate, it should be done in order for confidence to stand any chance of recovering. What are the details on your proposed strategy and tweaks in management? Otherwise, just more meaningless words…

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Yes but it’s about potential… A $1b fund in crypto vs a $1bn fund where the LPs won’t expect 100% exposure to crypto. $1bn in high risk offers ambitious managers a chance to become superstars. It’s a status game for most fund managers… for someone with king kong balls this could be the opportunity of a lifetime

He actively tried to scam you people… and you’re still supporting the idea? Sorry but people who have actually sold because the news came out the treasury manager is a criminal with a history in a successful scam with more than $100 million dollars did the right thing… you cannot blame them for selling. If this actually goes through expect lawyers up is ass. People have lost hundreds of thousands because of this guy and you still expect him to help you get rich? Be real, to be honest.

i cant blame them for selling far below backing? of course i can. guess why whales are buying hard right now, directly after the news. they buy when others are scared.
if you let yourself get talked into making an emotional and not a rational decision about your finances then thats the reason why you dont succeed. they have nobody else to blame but themselves.

Yes, current multisig has to stay. I don’t see Dani going anywhere. I see him as CEO and significant stakeholder long term. For all his self-acknowledged faults Daniele also has massive strengths, some that are unique in Crypto, that Wonderland has and will continue to benefit from.

For me, Dani’s core strengths are:
He knows the Crypto space like few others, he knows the space’s current and future pain points and has the vision to work out how those can be solved. That is massive. That means he can ID potential investment opportunities based on those long term value criteria, or build it internally.

He is a leader of internal teams, tech and financial. He has attracted talent, built teams, build products. Few understand how just damn hard this is. Doing this in a hyper-volatile and iterating crypto market again and again is remarkable. For this reason alone he’s top tier.

He’s a communicator of vision/values. The ability to rally external partners and internal team members to work with him, generate true loyalty (which also requires him giving it), communicate and excite enthusiasm for his vision and products and the products of others, amongst a very sceptical market, is highly valued. He is a very good public speaker - yes rough and course but that is not a problem. He is authentic.

Reputation. Yes its in the basement right now. But he has a lot of credit in his column. Making those effected by the Popsicle hack whole speaks to his ethics. Building multiple products that fit with his vision/values. Yes, he also does critically stupid things that I have disagreement, beef with OHM, beef with TradeJoe, not communicating about SIFU as soon as he found out, and lots of others around admin and emotional or poorly timed communications.
He has to correct the mistakes, acknowledge his limitations - build the team around him who solve for those.

My time horizon is 3-5 years. I want Daniele to stay. I want Daniele to lead.


I applaud any and all frogs who are trying to find solutions in these hard times instead of just complaining, I would love to hear more about this team and would like to see something along the lines of a possible public interview not only with Dani but with the frog nation in an AMA format. This could build trust and ensure the vision is aligned with those who wish to continue wonderland.

Ur as dilutional as a potato. Whales aren’t even going to come close to this project with all the shit that has happened. Those buying back are from within their own circles, something you don’t understand. But hey, it’s ok to be scammed keep going on.