Proposal - Bastion Trading / TheSkyhopper to manage or advise on Wonderland Treasury

The proposal basically says “trust us bro” we are doxed… No plan, no roadmap, Sifu might still be involved just not running the treasury.

Dani is still trying to maintain control over this project by bringing his friends…

Dani has not fulfilled one thing that he promised to the holders. If you still trust him or his judgment then you deserve what is happening.

I do not trust his judgment…

He fucked us before and I dont see how he wouldn’t do it again.

The proposal basically says “trust us bro” we are doxed… No plan, no roadmap, Sifu might still be involved just not running the treasury.

Dani is still trying to maintain control over this project by bringing his friends…

Dani has not fulfilled one thing that he promised to the holders. If you still trust him or his judgment then you deserve what is happening.

He fucked us before and I dont see how he wouldn’t do it again.

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No thanks - no idea who you guys are and no interest in finding out with the rest of my money. I’m all for moving forward and seeing if we can make this work but would like an independent / known team to do so.


Hello all

Halting all of Wonderland/abracadabra development now would be a huge mistake imho. Loosing the steam accumulated by all the work of last months, future deals coming etc… missing out on airdrops, huge potential growth on the value of wMemo etc……

Sifu should be removed because it will be hard to have trust in the project knowing of his multiple issues in the past. Not one mistake, but what seems to be a series of bad conducts.

Dani is the masterplanner, who has led us where we are right now. Up to a week ago everyone was confident in his decisions and judgement. He is still the same financial master with a huge heart trying really hard to make money for EVERYONE. Nothing changed there. He s the same good man.

Finally, the wallets on wonderland were always multisign as Daniele said, so Sifu couldnt run with the money even if he tried. This basic safety was always in place as far as I see.

For all these reasons i agree with the proposition to deviate as little as possible from the masterplan, and replace Sifu with a person/team with a strong proven and clean background.

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You do get that one person did a fantastic job and is a professional. Just because he was found out to be a criminal does not erase how unbelievably amazing Wonderland treasury is, because of him.


How are they not an independent known team?

This is a much better option than selling into the people who know how to suck the value out of the treasury.

You invested in crypto and your money went down. Every single person who bought ANY coin in December is now down. EVERY SINGLE COIN. Because the market is down. Why do you feel so entitled that you deserve all your money back? Do you have even a tiny idea how investing works? Clearly not.

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You’re attacking me. Which is not right according to the idea of the article that was created. I commented on a few things. I’m certainly not as literate as I should be, but I’m still asking where the promised minimum prices are - TIME-1300$ and to wMemo. And why do I get the answer that I have no right to demand my money back after such an opportunity is given? Aren’t we talking about constructive conversations? I made an exact suggestion. And you reject it. Normally this is not in your best interest.


No verified track record? Stay away from traders like this. This is basically nothing but “we’re good traders, trust us bro”. :warning:

Please people dont let yourself get fooled. Every trader would like to trade 700$, but we need professional investors who can manage a portfolio and not Traders who chase profits. This is a big difference between a Trader and an Investor.

This proposal is just weak and crazy.


Good… Looking forward to a more detailed plan.

Am in if Dani supports this. I do trust his vision. Yes Sifu was a mistake but that mistake didnt affect our treasury growing above 1B$ so lets not forget that. It is important to keep treasury growing but what i would really like to see is how frogs are being protected. If growing treasury doesnt help protect frogs then its useless and am not speaking of buybacks. Am speaking of constant revenue share cause at this point bubacka doesnt really protect frogs.

A professional !!! LMFAO :rofl:

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This is what we need? A bunch of Traders from Hong Kong?

What are you smoking man? If you would know the basics of finance, you would know that if any, Wonderland needs an Fund Manager, NOT a trader! Thats a big difference.

You guys fall for people like this so blindly, without even knowing how much profit they make. A screenshot is not a verified track record. There is a reason why most scams come from Traders, they can fake their profits easily. Please stop being so naive!


I’d like to support this, but first I want to 100% know there is no merger with Spell -especially at the price that was offered.

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” It’s time to be strong now. Frog nation will survive this.

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That’s what we talking about! I think this is a great opportunity for us. The details should be discussed that includes the economic proposal.

I am all up for the future of this project, additionally I am pleased that there appear to be clear and concise remedies moving forward.

However, we really need to address the ‘now’. Since we are DAO, I have no issue with the vote as to whether or not Sifu remains the treasurer. That is a good first step.

The outcome of the vote really need to be Yes he stays, or No he is 100% out. By all means recompense him but out is out, not out but still involved in someway.

We then need to bring the confidence back and try to put an end to all the FUD. You need to remember that a lot people have FOMO’d into this with money they really shouldn’t have invested, lost life savings, rent money, student loans etc, yes we can argue that this was a silly move, and it was, however, it has happened.
If we are to function as a DAO/VC whatever it is, we need to have that vision and that scope. It needs to be clearly defined what we are doing and where the project is going.

At risk of trying to do too much too quickly, what I personally feel is needed is as follows:

  1. A brief pause to everything after the Sifu vote, whatever the outcome is.
  2. Sort out the whitepaper, get it updated - put to a vote of required. Get a proper Wonderland YT page, Twitter account, Telegram, Discord, no issue with the Frog nation stuff but that should be seen as a community thing and not representing the Wonderland project. Have dedicated people in charge of content, Mods et al. I see too many people getting banned, timed out or kicked out of the various forums often for trying to express their feelings which makes me think this all needs a complete overhaul.
    We need clear guides on getting fiat into AVAX, wMEMO as an example so people aren’t scavenging all over the internet trying to work out what to do. The same goes for using Abracadabra, outside of that clear URL links if they want to use Fantom, Popsicle, dare I say Trader Joe.

This gives us the time (excuse the pun) to steady the ship, the financial impact and damage is already done, pausing everything won’t make it worse.

  1. We clearly have an issue with those that got rek’d, those who were liquidated and those who are down 90%. I am not against a buyback, but we have to look at what investors were doing, reimbursing people who took stupidly high leveraging positions, in my opinion should not get anything out of any reimbursement of funds. We can’t have a position again where people are getting liquidated, only to get their funds back and do it over again, this must be put to a stop.
    Additionally people who exited, profit/loss, well they exited, that for me was their choice and they are no longer an investor, so not due anything.

  2. If we want proper ownership of the management side for the treasury, marketing, project work, development and potential investments, then we need to go to market and find the right people for the job. Not put all out chickens in one basket, bringing in an all-in-one company might seem a great idea, but if there is an issue and they went bust, lost focus, made a mistake etc then we have a problem.
    Furthermore, like others have said they MUST be doxxed, properly vetted, maybe have an AMA with the candidates so we the investors can speak with them, understand what they can bring and see if their vision aligns with our own. Then have a vote. Once we have a potential team in place, they need properly vetting and I would do this with an external company, including all the relevant background checks before being officially announced.

  3. If Dani is to remain the voice of the spokesperson which I hope he will, he needs a PA, someone with the language and grammatical skills to properly convey both written and vocal where needed as to anything he wants to put out into the open. Too many people in positions of wealth, fame and notoriety come across as out of the loop, stupid or simply incompetent, like unfortunately has already happened with Dani, I appreciate that Dani isn’t a native English speaker, but if he is going to make a social media post, it has to be done in the right way. We can’t have people disclosing personal messaged with him where he admits fault, he can’t be put in that position again. Of course he can use his personal twitter for anything he likes, but this should be for his own personal views, not the views of the project. There has to be a drawn line for this. Also, if he is going to carry on with Frog radio and all the other outreach stuff he is doing, he HAS to know what is going on with the project, saying things like he adds wMEMO leveraging when he is taking a shit might be funny at the time, but that has a negative reflection on the project and the whole eco system as a whole.

Once this has been done, then we go live again. I fear that if we don’t get it right this time, there will be no next time.


In my opinion rebuy of time from treasury should stop. It just depletes the treasury with no further benefit to users.
Rebases should stop as the treasury is not supplied from TIME sales anymore. What Dani said that the rebases should stop is paramount, else we’ll never see a price stabilization.
Leverage trading should be stopped as well, creating lots of volatility and frustration between users who have no idea what they’re doing. Also this is used by whales to cash on fishes.
Use the treasury only for low risk liquidity provider and high risk investments in new projects. We need a fund manager/board of managers for that.
Distribute proportion of revenues. Use rest of revenues to strengthen and increase the treasury.
TIME, Memo, Wmemo holders should participate in the revenue share.
Price of time should be dictated only by the performance of the fund. Whoever wants revenue share should buy the time. No more shenanigans with high rebases and shiett.


You’ve expressed your thoughts clearly & concisely. I Agree with you 100% :+1:t4: