Proposal - Bastion Trading / TheSkyhopper to manage or advise on Wonderland Treasury

Sifu might not deserved second chance, but Dani and frog nation does deserve second chance to come out of this mess much stronger!


i would love to participate in treasury management. unfortunately i do not have a degree in anything financial related but i manage the “treasury” of an association that me and some other friends have founded and it’s growing ever since. we organize raves and similar events.

i’m 21yo and i’m about to study IT/management in september. untill then i have more than enough spare time.

i loved the project so far and it can’t just go down like that.

Finally, something somewhat good that dani did, I think the last time he did one is kinda never

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except that those guys come from morgan stanley, UBS, jp morgan chase etc. thats pretty high profile.

I say this with respect for Bastion Trading…

We need a team that is fully doxxed in charge of Treasury. No more Anons.

That team needs experience establishing and working within governance structures where they develop strategy, it gets approved, and they regularly report on results.

These professionals should be paid.

There should be a process to invite professionals to submit a proposal and these should be compared.

Bastion Trading might be a perfect fit, but a vote on the first manager to offer their services is not the way to handle a treasury of this size.

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buybacks increase the share percentage of every other wmemo holder. they also increase the backing price

Thoughts and wishes are good, but the first thing to do is to maintain and raise the price.

I’d like to hear more about what do you plan to do.
Most investors who stayed are now 90% down. We need to go 10x just to brake even. How do you plan to do that?
To be clear, I’m not saying its supposed to happen overnight.

I see a lot of potential and I want to be part of that vision. Let’s learn from the mistakes. I’m on board with Danie and Team!!!

I think it needs to be well thought out

I’m talking about commission of treasury managers. They won’t do it for free. Sifu was getting 5%. And allegedly taking it directly from treasury. We need more transparency on that. How much are these guys paid, and have Dani approve transactions out of treasury for their commissions. I would say it should be % of monthly gain we make. So more money they make for us, more they will make for themselves.

buybacks decrease the treasury, what’s the point of this treasury if we deplete it. The point from the beginning was to increase the treasury and then move on from ponzi.

Personally, I want my money back from the purchase I originally made. I can prove transactions, portfolio ownership, prove citizenship and origin of money.

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Agreed. The buy backs are killing us. It’s a massive arb game for whales

Hi @TheSkyHopper - when can you and your team get started? :slight_smile:

I believe 100% in @daniele , his sincerity, his visions, and Wonderland. It’s been a rough few weeks, however with proper audit of current process, strategy, etc., I believe we can overcome these obstacles.

We must also take caution that wonderland will not fall into the hand of legacy finance or Wall Street, above all the frog nation shall stay as frog nation who serve he frog

Supposedly but this proposal doesn’t give us any clarification on whether he’ll be kept out. It’s vague and I don’t like that. He needs to go imo

I watched the YouTube link. MASA’s background is truly amazing. I am sure his background in traditional financial markets (convertible bonds and options at investment banks/hedge funds) will bring much needed credibility in Wonderland treasury, and add extra returns through his knowledges through intermarket arbitrages and sensible investment decisions.

Thanks for bringing that up. Being very pragmatic, my suggestions are:

  1. IF we’re able to refund investors (with zero or very minimum loss), let’s do it and take Wonderland down
  2. Let’s take everything we’ve learned, establish partnerships, and start a new project. Dani will always have our trust, and TBH everything that’s happening only reinforces how honest and suitable he is

The point is: recovering will be painful, excruciating and we may never get there. That can generate even more stress to a point where it will be unsustainable. Several investors may never come close to DAOs again after this experience, and it’s fair to offer them a way out. I personally would invest in a new project from Dani, but I would love a refund so I can take a more careful approach next time. I’ve put money in that I couldn’t lose, and that costed me a divorce and turned my life upside down (no one to blame but me here, I know).


Understand your point and thank you for engaging with me. It is hard for me to determine the timeline of if the issues with treasury buybacks not occurring as they should do, were already in play before the volatility, and then sifu news. I think the fact that there was so much positivity around Wonderland, is a testament to the point you have made. But a system is truly tested when things go sour. And with this amount of capital at play, this system was tested and wasn’t resilient. The system shouldn’t rely on the existence or perception we have of a few people (IMO). Whilst better governance may go against the grain of the term decentralization, once the TVL is pushing the equivalent of a multinational, there really needs to be better systems in place. We are in another test phase now. Can we recover from this and move forward? I certainly hope so.