Proposal - Bastion Trading / TheSkyhopper to manage or advise on Wonderland Treasury

Same here, mate. I’d definitely invest in any new project coming from Dani, but I fail to believe that Wonderland will ever recover after everything that has happened.

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OK, so basically The Sky Hopper just proposed himself as manager with no actual concrete proposals of how we go should go further. At 2. he proposes a change in strategy. I think that’s the whole point of all these discussions. BUT WHAT IS THE STRATEGY. Clear steps to take us out of this mess.
IMO this is a shite show right now.
How can we appoint someone we don’t even know his agenda ? Are we plain stupid ?

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Good pitch, but not great. You understand we are walking on thin ice here. This pitch needs to be much more in depth from now on, since you already signalized your willingness.

For instance:

This means nothing, it just leads to their main page

Quite vague website you guys have

Can you actually put up a perfomance sheet so we can get a easy discussion about this without have to go to external resources and look you guys up

Any comments on that statement? There has to be caution with anything bc anything can escalate quickly

Comments on @NeighRider points?

Also we need immediate disclose on what the framework will be, specially branding and PR, deal flows, proposed management fees, and so on.


To quote a Sam Hyde podcast about crypto, you’re either homeless and dead or a millionaire, this is legitimately economic warfare against the power that be especially DAO and DEFI and then them combined you are no an Apex Predator in an Apex Jungle with abundant funds available due to over a decade of quantitative easing… If you don’t understand this, invest in a mutual fund, that being said, this is the most violent bear market ever for crypto (the speed, intensity, the violence) obviously, for a reason, the powers that be are spending trillions of dollars in printed derivatives from my tax dollars to ensure that no one ever gets rich but them… if you can’t stay solvent through three months of their violent efforts than don’t invest… that being said…

French Frogs to manage frogland sounds like serendipity to me… just don’t do buyback bots… price below backing for me just means free money for when the pendulum swings back my way… Get yourself a side job frogs and build yourselves a crypto kingdom rivaling to the Gods :smiley:

I’d like to see a more fleshed-out proposal regarding current and future fund management plans and more information on who the management team would be but I think this is heading in the right direction. Masa seems to be well-versed and (importantly, especially in the situation Wonderland finds itself in) well-respected in the fund management and crypto space. Wonderland needs someone that is level headed and deliberate in decision-making. Masa seems to be that person. The question is, can he become a frog?

We still have a $691mm treasury, that makes us 108th largest hedge fund in the world by AUM. Let’s get a new investment management team, and get this train back on its tracks, and stop bitching.

If you sold at a loss that’s your problem, go away and leave the rest of us to get on with it.

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So far, the evidence is that Wonderland does not have enough buying power to fight the downward market trend. For the short-term, it does not seem possible to defend the price just by buying. All of the bearish sentiment and drama around the project compounds this challenge since it keeps the bears circling. In my view, the best way to raise the price is to make the project attractive. Create value. That is the only thing that will really raise the price at the moment. Limitless buybacks will just attractive market shorters who see that they can drain the treasury to nothing by constantly pushing the price back.

for those who are looking for better links to actual PL from Bastion, here is response I got on Twitter from Masa/ @TheSkyHopper….
This is just on one exchange.… ← we have other performance related posts here.

Our Credit:… can you see our name here for example amongst other places.

link to tweet

I think this is a good idea for us

Yes. They promise to keep prise 1300$ for memo. Now is 300.

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Dude, they’re #2 on the bitfinex leaderboard…Absolutely yes!!!

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To be sure, do you propose that Wonderland:

  1. become a decentralized VC with a big treasury?
  2. stays on the same line (big treasury that works to produce farm) but with a new doxxed team in charge?


  1. You are traders, but not professional investors, aren’t you? No offense, I just want to be sure I understand well. Serious investments need experts.
  2. It could be a good idea, provided that everything is clear/transparent and that the possible ideas of the Frogs (rebranding, etc.) are taken into account.

Long Life Frog Nation :fist: :frog:

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this team seems nice, but we need more options before we can decide… also, wonderland should have a whole team… dani has proven himself as a leader and as a creative person that can make projects on the fly, but we need a team to manage the treasury, another team to help build the tokens, with staking, with NFT’s, with airdrops and other incentives to make people hold and for more people to enter the project so we can all grow together, as a community

One project that I’m in LOVE is Defi Kingdom… from the website, to the whitepaper, to the gameplay, tokenomics, roadmap… everything is very thought out and has a purpose…

What is the roadmap of wonderland? none existent… dani make stuff on the fly and we try to see if it works… don’t get me wrong, I love dani and this characteristic he has is what helps him create shit out of nowhere and make it work, but, if we really want to make wonderland succeed and actually be a living force that no one can stop we gotta plan and execute

just my 2 cents

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YES PLEASE, where is the snapshot to vote on this?

any reply from them to your comment?

Maybe reward the holders with some of the bought back wMEMO, maybe apply a locking mechanism on the redistributed tokens, to act like incentive and restore trust to the loyal frogs who believed and helped Wonderland to reach this far! Cheers frogs :frog::fist:t2:.

No governance shown here. It just seems Dani is attempting to retain project control while installing another CFO. I have no doubt in their ability to deploy assets for yield, but going forward, governance and structure should be coming from within the frog nation. We need a say at the table with full transparency in all matters of business. Full stop.

We have an alternate idea – > **** PROPOSAL**** RELAUCH, REBRAND - Daily PAYOUTS in BTC! Let me show you how - Please read! - #12 by mikebcity

We’re willing to work and collaborate. Let’s not make the same mistakes.


yes i like this, lets act quickly and swiftly

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As long as this plan INCLUDES Dani I will support.

I approve these 3 proposals

  1. 0xSifu would removed from Treasury Management (if not completely)

  2. The Wonderland (TIME) Price to recover through a change of strategy and tweaks in management

  3. A strong, rational hand (maybe moreso with no criminal record) to navigate the treasury assets through good times and bad times.

I then propose to reimburse all those who have lost money and I also propose to activate a guaranteed annuity with a 100% guarantee on the capital invested.