PROPOSAL: Give the remaining holders the chance to get their original investment back

I am seeing many people wanting their money back even though they have already fully exited?

How does that even work?

Only way to pay anyone back with the Treasury money is to payback by the amount of wmemo they hold.

If you have sold then you are out! Sorry to say but treasury is only belong to current holder of wmemo.


Agree with this; give as much back as possible. Iā€™m down 85% and Iā€™m sure there are thousands of us who are. Yes I only invested what I could afford to lose, but that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m happy taking a $9k loss as a result of a criminal running the treasury of our DAO.


Agreed! Put your money where your mouth is Dani. Do the right thing by your investors.

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100% support this proposal but the Treasury shouldnā€™t pay back those investors who leveraged and sold already.


Agree, frogs got to protect frogs especially the small ones whoā€™ve been loyal and havenā€™t sold


I 100% agree with this! This is only fair!

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I wish their was a way to continue the project but if its decided to split the treasury to original investors that held and didnā€™t sell or leveraged then fine. The people who sold and took the risk to leverage should not be reimbursed.

Only reimburse frogs who never soldā€¦ people who sold earlier than sifu saga where also the reason for such a mess.


I also agree just give us our money back or at least more then 10% of it

Agreed. However I wonder how likely it is for this to happen as Dani will want to use the treasury for abra

Take a snapshot of holders that fell victim before the night of the large liquidation on Tuesday 1/25 and Pay back Lost funds. The devs were apparently ā€œasleepā€ at the wheel.

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yes dissolve treasury and give to wmemo holders!

I completely agree! Make this happen Daniele. Its your future on the line here.

I just sold 180 of my time and still feel the right to request the snapshot of my belongings prior to Sifu shit.

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Iā€™m with you on that one!

Wow ā€¦ now how we can calculate that folks when most of bought more than once ?? is that even humanly possible

Needs to be those who held and are still HODLing

ā€œGive the original investment backā€ is just naive and not possible. If we sold all the treasury we would get 40k per WMEMO, not our original investment. If I invested in WBTC, AVAX, ETH, GOHM, JOE etc at all time highsā€¦our initial investment would also be down by a lot. I agree the situation is really bad for all of us, but we canā€™t ask for something that is just not going to happen.


I donā€™t agree with you @mr.warburg . With the amount that the treasury is making, and how much the treasury will bounce back up when this market dip is over, everyone can get paid back their original investment. That will just be the goal of the treasury then. It will just take TIME and itā€™s the only fair way to everyone.


I agree 100% with you. Only if we continue with the project and let treasury grow it will be possible. However, many answers to this proposals want the money back now (sell treasury now and payback investors).