PROPOSAL: Give the remaining holders the chance to get their original investment back

Yeah, and it means we stop new investors from coming in. It should be a closed fund, with the goal of growing the treasury enough to make everyone get their original investment back.

Please yes, and do a snapshot of the old olders who sold for a lot of reasons, please, I stayed for 65 days here and I had to sold today for personal reason and I was scared about the price, please

this is the txid of my first time buying TIME!! I holded and staked since, please

I like the idea,

There are some of us that could not handle what happened today with our trust in all of that,
(Sifu doxxed),
So we did sold our position at a loss,
We been here all the way, been down badly the whole run,
but today was the final trigger to many of us to pull the trigger and get out ASAP,

I believe that money from the treasury should be distributed to all of us equally,
of-course except malicious actorsā€¦,

I dont know in what shape or form the airdrop compensation should be in,
but what i do know is that is the only way to gain the trust back,
and it is the most morally reasonable thing to do from the treasury administration,

this airdrop should be carefully done though.

The people who have been in it since the beginning should get more, then the person who just invested a week ago.

First rule of crypto! Never invest money you are willing to lose. Paper hands get scared and loose out on the bigger pictureā€¦example Bitcoin when it was 1 buck.

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I know, but the project was so promising and the rebasing was so good I got hooked in and I even was break even at 2000$ TIME, but then idk what happened, please consider to snapshot your loyals, I staked for months

The proposal vote for keeping wonderland or cashing out treasury will occur tomorrow per his Twitter but Iā€™m sure heā€™s going to go mad hatter and not sleep over this.

so youā€™re not an existing holder anymore (you say you exited), so why are you even commenting? The title says ā€œgive the remaining holders their money backā€, which by default, excludes you.


Again, are you guys tards? If you sold, stfu


Agree with this proposal. This is the best outcome in the current scenario

Iā€™ve been in it since October 12th
Never sold I still havenā€™t sold, lost 90% of my 100k investment. That took me years to get so much over time. So many late nights I didnā€™t even get to sleep, will I make it back? Yes. Will it be with wonderland who knows? I believe and still believe in the project unlike the people who have sold.


wow, you people that sold and are now asking for your losses to be covered should be taken out back andā€¦

ā€œPromisedā€? I donā€™t see the word ā€œpromiseā€ anywhere @stefankay

If the DAO is for holders to vote on proposals and governance, why are there so many un-vested people in here spamming the boards?


Doesnt matter if you sold or not if you always have been in the project. You cant blame anyone to sell if their investment goes 90% down while being promised more than 100x (im talking about not selling everything)

agreed with the proposal

Ahhh, the not selling everything part now I understand, I ment those who sold and and gave up.
And now are like oh we are getting something back??
Just cuz the price goes low doesnā€™t mean anything when the project is good and they have a good backing. This whole situation isnā€™t the best. But they have the works in the bag. And things in motion

Snapshot should be taken as of the BSGG airdrop date (that never came). Liquidate the treasury and return it to the people that held and took MASSIVE losses until they just couldnā€™t take it anymore. Also, donā€™t be a dick. People are allowed to be upset when such poor decisions are made that result in huge losses compared to what was originally laid out by the team running the protocol.

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agree to this plan, its the right thing to do

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If you think this project has enough money to do this, you may not be as informed as you think. The real way forward is to generate profit and distribute it over time.

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Sifu is complicit in laundering money generated from child pornography. This is beyond money at this point. Please can this be accomplished.


i 100% agree with this proposal