I agree. We’re wasting time on rebase hopping. Let’s focus on how we create more utility for time and use the treasury to generate profits to be distributed to the long-term TIME holders.

Imagine if Wonderland can become the Berkshire Hathaway of the crypto world, owning other protocols or having investments in other protocols (lending, trading strategy, saving, farming, etc.) and in the metaverse (land development in the Sandbox, NFT project with a talented artist, etc.). What if you could use TIME to invest in other protocols, increasing TIME’s utility? With more utility and profit from investments, TIME’s value would gradually go up, benefiting long-term investors.


I like the idea of using an alt coin such as AVAX from the treasury, to reward & incentivize people that stake to not sell.

If they are getting weekly Airdrops of AVAX for simply leaving their coins staked, then they never have a need to unstake, keeping Time out of circulation.

This also will help spike a new wave of stakers as excitement for airdrops will drive new people to the platform.

Jade has already implemented this protocol and it is now the fastest growing OHM fork. We can gain some of that excitement back by offering incentives to stay staked weekly from just a tiny percentage of the treasuries funds.

In fact you could argue that even taking a Million dollars out of the treasury weekly to split among the stakers would pay itself off because of the large new wave of investors. Say it doesn’t drive excitement towards the protocol and the airdrops start draining us we can always set a new vote to end the airdrops if they become to taxing.

Thank you for your Time & thoughts


To be honest, JADE is the fastest growing not for their airdrops but for their APY and partly just being new and people pumping it for that.

With that being said, I love an additional incentive whatever they may be for diamond hands.

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Apy as that high never lasts if they want runway they have to minimize their apy

Jade is planning on dropping their outrageous APY, but I don’t think Jade’s most recent serge of investors has to do with the APY rather than the incentive and I have empirical Data to back that up.

During the start of the current bear market. Jade’s token dropped from $380 to around $200, then they announced their airdrop incentive and while the rest of the market was still bleeding Jade went up close to $450.

I just don’t want us to miss out on an opportunity to drive new investors and excitement for this project. This might be a good counter to the current bear market.

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We are very young project, we need to grow organically as it is more beneficial in the long term :timer_clock:, an explosive growth leaves us at risk of an abrupt fall as well, we need investors who stay for the project and not for a punctual and/or temporary incentive.


What about a lottery ticket to get in the wonderland. People would not buy a normal lottery ticket coz it’s not worth the math but if they get as reward for longer stack they will play. Then we can use these “winners” of the lottery for promotion too.

I think you are doubting the power of explosive growth. This idea will get peoples feet in the door and the protocol gaining trust and working properly will keep them here. You could even make the argument that all growth no matter how fast is real growth. If people take profits and leave price drops and it brings in a new wave of investors that want in cheap but in the mean time we doubled the amount of people staking thru the extra incentives. It is also a good counter to new DOAs coming out launching with 100X our APY.


Before Jade announced the airdrop protocol they were down to around $200 they then went up to around $450 the day after the announcement the only reason they are dropping right now from that high is the announcement on a vote to decrease the APY.

I like this idea but I think it should compound weekly rather than monthly and instantly reset if you sell any amount. I think weekly works better with incentivizing the game theory aspect of the protocol.

In other words you hold longer your gains go up, you sell you lose and go back to start.

Bribing TIME holders (like on Convex to vote MIM pools) on introducing new LPs or treasury allocations may be interesting

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I agree… the most important thing is build a STABILITY STRATEGY so the volatility in price can be handled by APY.
If we can come up with something to stabilize the volatility first, then after this, we can focus on other things, like PR, marketing, expanding, etc

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I like this idea. Anyone see any downsides to this?

This if can be coupled with NFTs being issued for people who stake for more than 90-180-365 will make TimeWonderland explode.

i agree, but only for longer term holders, like more than 1-2 months. if dilution is the concern here, the airdrop could be in stables or other coins, which most definitely will be converted back to TIME by most people, and staked further.


The downside that I see here is the fact that 1k% APY is not that much, we have in this example 70k% APY so what difference 1k makes? 1k% is the fluctuation the APY has everyday, I think we could make something with utility NFTs that can be used in the future in some game or event.

The best NFT would sell at high prices so we would create a new market that incentivizes people to stake and hodl so they get a chance to win a good NFT

Good point. I like the idea of NFTs. I can’t wait to see what Daniele and these guys come up with next, so it would be cool if they had some utility in that future ecosystem.

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Agreed. Very well said.

This. All of this. People selling after rebase are not an issue for the protocol as has been stated by mods and Sifu on discord.


I think you will only see short term growth if you do an airdrop.
If you ask me if airdrops are necessary to reflect long-term growth, I think they are unnecessary.