Diamond hands should be rewarded


As you stated sSPELL holders receive a share of liquidation fees from Abra. If you start to distribute those to TIME holders, you are taking away from those that invested/staked SPELL. So, IMO, that is not an option.


It’s a bit dangerous to be quoting Jade with reference to airdrops for diamond hands…I’m one of them and despite promises I have yet to receive anything from Jade… Just promises of ‘soon’

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Airdrop to STRONG holders (i.e. those holding for over 90 days during market downturn) Under Condition.

The APY system can be changed i.e. user can be prompted with 2 options:

  1. low APY rewards with freedom to do unstake and do as you please
  2. High APY/Current APY reward system for holders willing to hold for a minimum of 90 days + Airdrop rewards…With a Slashing mechanism for those who break the law !

I think this will make us all invest MORE.

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That’s true, but I’ve basically meant that there must be a solution, similar to sSPELL fee distribution, how TIME holders can benefit from cascade of liquidations!

I think you guys are dreaming too much about the APY, @etigo said airdrop to strong holders, but airdoping is not something that will make a difference (and why tf only during market downturn? in the bull market people can rebase trade but in the bear market they should stake?). You guys are trying too hard to fuck with this project


I get what you’re saying but you’re still advocating for sharing the abra liquidation fees which are already designated to sSPELL holders. There are a finite amount of fees. If you add another recipient (MEMO holders) to those fees, the original recipients (sSPELL) are negatively impacted and you are changing what they signed up for when they staked. You would have to add another lending fee to the the existing ones which then impacts borrowers.

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Sure, and they had to decrees the APY now because $30+mm went to airdrops.

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Can we please think about retrospective airdrop/incentivised rewards based on previous month/quarter market performance.

To stay on track, the whole reason this discussion has come about is because everyone is shitting bricks at the fact we are now in a bear market - regardless of how common and predictable these fluxuations are.

There are worries around liquidation and the prospect of airdropping as an incentive creating an element of A/B Tiered stakers, and this is understandable.

My proposal is to come up with a concept which rewards those that hold through the bear shit, this is the only time people are worried and the only time people want to unstake - this is a FACT. Nobody cares about running when we’re on an upwards trend so we should put no incentive or thought in impementing solutions for these times. We are trying to create a solution which can be implemented all throughout the calender year, when perhaps we just need to think about incentives to keep people through the hard $TIMEs.

It’d be good to get everyone elses thoughts around this, both good and bad. This is a spontanious thought so more than open to scrutiny.


They had a 400,000,000% APY of course they had to decrease it, that had nothing to do with their airdrops it has to do with hyperinflating their coin. Which we don’t have to worry about with time because we have a healthy APY & Treasury.

The protocol already rewards holders with higher APY when the price drops and people stop staking.

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People need to understand JADE was just an example for the airdrop idea. It wasn’t supposed to be the blueprint to what Wonderland needs to be.

Again, bringing more reason to stay staked during bear markets is the end goal. Any other solutions is all we’re trying to uncover here.


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Or maybe what we could do is if a holder holds the portfolio for 30 days they get a boosted rebase for three days, 60 days boosted rebase for 4 days and 90 days boosted rebase for 5 days, or we could get rid of the 30 days and just start at 60 days?

What does everyone think about rebase intervals based on length of time staked? The longer you hold, the quicker you get your rebase.

I think we can look at the MetaversePro

they provide the stake(6,6) pool to reward the diamond hand people

Their mechanism is very interesting, maybe we can learn something from them.

stake(6,6) mechanism

Reduce the general staking reward from 0.1% per hour to 0.09%.
(they reward 1 time per hour)

In the (6,6) pool, an additional 20% of the daily growth of the treasury is provided for market repurchase, and the Meta of the market repurchase is linearly released to (6,6) pool members every hour.

Therefore, members of (6,6) pool can double the meta they hold every five days.

(6,6) staking flow:

  1. First convert sMeta to wsmeta and store it in the 66 pool
  2. Becoming a member of Pool 66 will be bound for 5 days and cannot leave. If you leave, all rewards will be cancelled and 30% of meta will be deducted.
  3. The binding time will be recalculated every time a claim is made.
  4. The correct way to leave is not to do any claims or stake wsMeta within five days after entering

We can first look at the impact of the first batch of people leaving the (6,6) pool after 5 days on the market, and then we can develop our diamond hand reward pool.

Of course, this may cause additional financial burdens, and I guess they intend to fill them with the upcoming MetaAsh.
Our case depends on how Sifu handles this matter. After all, it is now intended to be a VC, not just limited to gamefi.

I think 14 day locking period would help with stability lots of staking programs lock your money

Rebase traders have no impact on the “stability” of the TIME price. This has been said over and over by Sifu and other mods. The overall crypto market has been bearish for weeks now. There’s no way TIME wouldn’t be impacted by that as it’s even riskier than Level 1 Coins.

I’m sorry if some of you bought in as TIME was going down, but you need to accept the fact that

  1. You probably overinvested when TIME was still correcting from it’s big move to $10k thinking it would continue to moon.
  2. The longer you HODL, your rewards will begin to outpace the drop in price of TIME. You get roughly 10% in TIME every 5 days. If you’re actually confident in the project, you should be buying the dip to average down.

Locking investors in for 14 days with no rebase goes against the entire point of rebase which is to reward people for taking the risk of investing early. Any instrument that locks your money typically guarantees your original principal plus the interest earned.


I’m also invested in META. I believe the 6,6 funds are coming directly from the wallets of the team and not the treasury. At least that’s my understanding. If so, this would be something Sifu and Daniele would have to do. We are significantly larger than META. About 10x the number of wallets. I’m not sure if it would be affordable for Daniele/Sifu or the DAO to do that. Even if you decrease by 1%. I could be wrong. I don’t have all the details to really do the math.

i agree with everything except the punishment aspect, i dont see this as a form of punishment, not a lost of oportunitie, as you said every person should be able to do whatever they want with their money and investment, and if you need money in real life then there is nothing to talk about really, you need it, thats why people invest, people complaining about it are making really bad and nasty takes, and in some cases they are worse than the fudders.
what i mean to say with all this is that creating and incentive for the people who hold more time its not a bad thing, in the end the decision if someone wants to withdraw the money from an investment is made by themselves, and if someone wants to be optimal with their investments maybe they dont need their money so much in real life as well, but this is only my take, i do really agree with everything you say except considering this a punishment or something that can be seen as such.

The incentive is a 10% ROI every 5 days. People seem to just forget that I guess. Oh, and being part of the biggest DAO with doxxed Daniele and Sifu at the helm who are also responsible for other huge projects in Defi such as Abracadabra.