yeah, this is incentive enough in it self, and also they are working in the liquidity cascade problem, nothing much we can complain about that really, its a shame they get so much shit about changes when 1. they do it for good and most importantly 2. the things they are doing are working amazingly well but still being critiqued for it xD

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btw airdrops coming from the treasury its not a good idea, what we want is for the treasury to grow, not to redistribute it to us, that money is for the DAO to do things to grow even bigger, and if the price of the token drops below certain amount then the money of the trasury its used, using the treasury for airdrops will lower the backing price, which its bad.

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People are freaking out but don’t realize that crypto is in a short term bear market.


true, i also think there may be a way to reward people who hold longer, i mean, its not like its needed more incentives but it wouldnt be bad either, at least in a way that cant be exploited, i just dont think that airdrops from the treasury its the solution, actually would only make things worse, so my vote here its a no, we should think more about the “rewards” in itself even not being needed btw, they are rewarding us enough.

It’s more complicated than you think and would result in increasing APY (faster dilution) or spending treasury funds. No on both.

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then i believe its better if we have things as they are, im here for the long run and everybody really should be in as well, if they can obv, but coming here for quick bucks its stupid in itself


AirDrops are too much like Gambling.

I Will be HODLing for a long ‘$TIME’ coming… Generation empowering wealth is not transferred and raised over night!

Every project every ecosystem and every market has this (crypto, stocks, gold, etc). This is normal trading. Its the nature of a market. If you add in airdrops, people will airdrop hunt and dump after they get theirs… and some of them will be whale accounts.

Stability will come once we mature. It takes time.

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I posted a proposal about STABILITY right here:

i am not trying to fork or copy this proposal or thread but to give my idea, we can always continue the discussion here or there, i will let you frogs decide, but would love to read thought’s about it.

I second this strategy. I’ve been asking for airdrops for faithful HODLers for a bit now.

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Airdrops should be given to holders over a month period, after the first month it should be given as a bigger rebase bonus every 2 weeks. In my opinion make sure it goes through the actual site so it can be cleared from airdrop wallet hunters, making it even more safer for anyone else.

and from where would this airdrops come from? becase if its come from the treasury the rebases are like airdrops every 8 hours, the idea is to grow a huge treasury and do something more with this money than just distributed to everybody else, also if it comes from the treasury it would lower the backing per time, which im not fond off


People acting like they aren’t getting rebases for HODLing. Blows my mind


I don’t believe airdrops are the solution and neither is punishing short term traders. Short term whales may have occasional wins, but it is a big risk due to market volatility (as we’ve seen recently)…so if they want to take that risk let them roll the dice and contribute fees to our treasury.

However, I do believe there should be an incentive for Diamond Hands–perhaps one that you can opt into.

For example: Stakers can either just stake and unstake as normal OR you can choose “Diamond Hand Staking” which allows the stakers to choose between several long-term staking options for a bonus incentive (something we could vote on).

3 month Stake, 6 month Stake, 9 month Stake, 12 months…if you fulfill the FULL stake period then you earn the bonus, if you don’t then no bonus. But it is optional, so not everyone has to do it.

This could help contribute to the stability Wonderland and provide incentives for longer term stakers who are willing to make the optional commitment.


i dont like the idea of airdrops, its a tax nightmare. I am sure there is a better way to reward long term HODLs who stick through the good and bad times. Im very bearish on jade, it has rugged twice by same dev team and anyone who says they have a harvard professor on their team i call out.

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This is actually a very good idea. Almost like different packages, so you have a date to work towards, this will also give the protocol and idea of exit flows by date.

For example if you had many people all due to expire on their 1 year bonus, there will be an expected outflow. So perhaps not a fixed date but an algorithmic one that changes to spread out the bonus which means it spreads out the exit flow on different days. GENUIS!

Correct–this could provide better insight for the Wonderland Team to better manage the treasury because of the expected in/out flows of stakers.

completely agree, it seems our biggest issue at the moment is stability, even if we can get stability at low price it would be beneficial, just showing the protocol and its community functions correctly would be huge, and rewarding loyal holding is vital to that since whales currently have a slight advantage over the average holder, if this can change we would be in a very good place, as far as i can tell the transaction fees payed by the whales transactions isnt enough to offset the damage to the community so another option must be found.

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@Dave1 I totally agree with you!

We don’t have to copy other DOA’s to be efficient!

" THAT WHICH MAKES YOU DIFFERENT, MAKES YOU SPECIAL" the frog nation is special and less sometimes means more.

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